Mutko steps down from FIFA role following IOC ban


Vitaly Mutko. Photo:


By Play the Game
Vitaly Mutko will step down as head of the 2018 FIFA World Cup organising committee, he announced on Wednesday.

Russian deputy prime minister and former sports minister Vitaly Mutko, who received a lifetime ban from the IOC earlier this month for the involvement in the Russian doping scandal, has chosen to step down from his seat as head of the 2018 FIFA World Cup local organising committee.

Following the IOC decision, Mutko has also temporarily stepped down from his post as president of the Russian Football Federation.

Mutko stated that he will instead focus on his work in the government and that Alexei Sorokin, Russian member of the UEFA executive committee, will temporarily take over his 2018 role.

"He (Sorokin) will interact with FIFA. I will concentrate on work in the government," Mutko said according to AFP.

In a statement following Mutko’s announcement, FIFA acknowledged the decision of the former Russian sports minister:

“FIFA understands Mr. Mutko’s decision, which was also made in the interests of the 2018 World Cup in Russia. FIFA thanks Mr. Mutko for taking such a responsible step and the work he has done so far to prepare for the World Cup,” the FIFA statement said according to Russian news agency TASS.  

According to Russian website Sputnik, Mutko plans to launch an appeal case with CAS against the IOC over his ban.

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