• 20.10.2010 /
    Football in Nigeria has two faces. One is that of players taken out of the slums by the game. In gratitude, after making fame and fortune, they are developing the community. The other is that of soccer officials who enrich themselves at the expense of local players and to the detriment of the game.
  • 11.10.2010 /
    In India, a group of former athletes have formed a new movement with the express goal of wrestling control of India's sports clubs and federations from the grip of politicians and train former sports people to take over themselves. The group called Clean Sports India (CSI) believes it is the only way to rid Indian sports of endemic corruption and mismanagement.
  • 05.10.2010 /
    New report from the Forum for African Investigative Reporters (FAIR) exposes corruption and mismanagement in professional African soccer leagues.
  • 24.08.2010 /
    The Vancouver Winter Games 2010 are being critically reviewed by Laura Robinson, who looks into the IOC and VANOC's spin on the women ski jumpers' right to inclusion, the degree of freedom of expression, the sustainabiblity of the event and the way in which first nations people participated in the branding of the Games.
  • By Laura Robinson
    24.08.2010 /
    In the buildup to the Vancouver Olympics, Canadians were shocked to learn that the IOC could legally discriminate against female ski jumpers because their contract with VANOC resided in Switzerland, and gave the IOC carte blanche in terms of deciding what sports and events would be in the Games.
  • 16.07.2010 /
    The bidding processes for the World Cups 2018 and 2022 are nearing their concluding phase and in an attempt to heighten the transparency of the bidding for the event, FIFA introduced a new transparency policy in a statement this Thursday.
  • 16.07.2010 /
    The party is over and the World Cup has left South Africa, and generally the reviews have been very good. FIFA president, Sepp Blatter, praised South Africa’s efforts in hosting this year’s World Cup by giving them nine out of 10.
  • By Declan Hill
    14.07.2010 /
    It is not football. It is the game of deliberate diplomatic deniability. The game is all about making truthful statements that do not ruffle any official feathers. Here is how it is played. Examine this section of FIFA’s statement on the allegations about Nigerian match-fixing in the World Cup.

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