• 28.05.2011 /
    Three of FIFA’s most powerful men, President Sepp Blatter, presidential candidate Mohamed Bin Hammam and Vice-President and would-be “king maker” Jack Warner face the Ethics Committee Sunday in Zurich, Switzerland while a fourth, Executive Committee member and CONCACAF General Secretary Chuck Blazer, can feasibly sink one, two or all three parties or even go down in flames himself.

  • 27.04.2011 /
    "If you think that a ball game is merely a game about a ball, you may have got it wrong. Sport as a whole is an intense, never-ending battlefield about the values that guide our lives," Jens Sejer Andersen, International Director at Play the Game states in this article. In the article he also looks into whether the ethical standards for sport are higher than for other cultural phenomena.
  • 27.04.2011 /
    It may seem unfair that sport more than any other cultural phenomenon must constantly explain its human and social values. There are however some very good reasons to demand a little more from sport than from other activities.
  • 18.03.2011 /
    Speaking at an international doping conference in London, WADA Director General, David Howman, repeated his warnings against criminals infecting the world of sport and called for new unorthodox ideas in the fight against doping.
  • By Jean-Loup Chappelet
    18.03.2011 /
    Comment: Match-fixing has been recognized by the international sport organisations as one of the biggest threats to sport. But what can be done to fight it? In this comment piece, Jean-Loup Chappelet, Professor and Director at IDHEAD, Lausanne argues why the creation of an international agency against corruption in sport is one way to go.
  • 03.03.2011 /
    The recent events in Indonesia due to the forthcoming chairman election in the Indonesian Football Association (PSSI), have spawned a massive uprising in the public and have also given rise to a reaction from the world's governing body on football; FIFA.
  • By Jens Sejer Andersen- International director, Play the Game
    25.02.2011 /
    Comment: Spectacular statements at this week’s EU Sport Forum in Budapest may influence the outcome of next week’s IOC symposium on irregular betting and match-fixing. IOC Honorary member Tamás Aján and WADA Director General David Howman called for rapid action against not only match-fixing, but all forms of corruption in sport. Play the Game was present in Budapest and in the following comment, Jens Sejer Andersen, International Director asks if the IOC will bring spring to sport or let the melt-down continue.
  • 23.02.2011 /
    Sports organisations are not capable of dealing with issues threatening the integrity of sport alone, WADA Director General David Howman states and calls for the establishment of a World Sports Integrity Agency.

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