• By Sylvia Schenk,
    04.09.2011 /
    Comment: In this first entry in a comment series Sylvia Schenk, Senior Advisor on sport in Transparency International, opens the sport governance debate arguing that corruption, the lack of transparency and other governance problems is an urgent challenge.
  • By Lasana Liburd
    30.08.2011 /
    Comment: “Will Caribbean football crumble without the man they called ‘Teflon Jack’”, journalist Lasana Liburd asks in this comment piece discussing how football in the Caribbean will go on after Jack Warner resigned as head of CONCACAF and CFU amid corruption allegations.
  • 26.08.2011 /
    New ruling from CAS on Gibraltar’s application for UEFA membership could have an impact on FIFA and UEFA policy on aspiring football federations. New documents from FIFA’s Working Group on Small Nations show how potential member federations from small nations and independent territories are prioritized.
  • 24.08.2011 /
    The German parliament's sports committee highlights corruption in sport with a hearing in late September.
  • 15.08.2011 /
    A course offered by TrustMedia seeks to educate journalists on how to combat corruption by teaching them tools to identify, report on, and raise awareness about corruption.
  • 10.08.2011 /
    The preparations for the Commonwealth Games 2010 in India were a worst case example of how badly preparations of a mega-event can go. A newly released audit report raises tough criticism of the organization of the Games, which overran all budgets.
  • By Jean-Loup Chappelet
    02.08.2011 /
    Comment: It is worth considering if the polluter-pays principle could be used in sport as a tool against doping, hooliganism, corruption and other forms of inappropriate behaviour, argues Jean-Loup Chappelet in this comment article.
  • 06.07.2011 /
    A written declaration signed by 400 members of the European Parliament urges the European Commission to take the lead in the fight against corruption in sport.

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