• 07.06.2006 /
    The Danish vice president of WADA, Brian Mikkelsen, has announced that he is stepping down from his top post in international anti-doping work. Mikkelsen who is also Danish Minister of Culture does not want to take over the post as WADA president when Dick Pound resigns in November 2007. Therefore he steps down in November this year to make room for a new vice president who is prepared to take over from Pound.
  • 06.06.2006 /
    Knownledge bank: Trinidad Express journalist Lasana Liburd looks back on an investigative World Cup ticket story that shook FIFA
  • 02.06.2006 /
    Knowledge bank: ISL's serious liquidity problems in the course of 2000 and 2001 still causes great concern in the financial sector in FIFA. Since a settlement, President Blatter has maintained that FIFA has lost ‘only’ 42-46 million dollars on the ISL bankruptcy. This is a small amount compared to the 340 million dollar loss Blatter stated earlier in a letter to the 24 members of FIFA’s Executive Committee.
  • 02.06.2006 /
    Knowledge bank: The following timeline traces the main incidents in the complex of cases between ISL and FIFA that have arisen in the wake of the bankruptcy of the sports marketing agency ISL.
  • 02.06.2006 /
    Knowledge bank: When ISL sold on tv-rights for 60 million US to TV-Globo, FIFA was meant to get a share of 22 million. The money never came under FIFA control and after ISL's bankruptcy, FIFA reported ISL to the police alleging fraud and embezzlement. Three years later FIFA withdrew the complaint without giving any explanation.  
  • 02.06.2006 /
    Horst Dassler built the world's most influential sport marketing company, ISL. But at the turn of the millenium, ISL lost market shares and began purchasing television rights on a large scale. This led to a cash flow crisis that ultimately felled the company which leaves a debt of 300 million dollars.
  • 02.06.2006 /
    In 2003, the liquidator of ISL discovered that sports officials including FIFA officials had reeceved bribes from the company and demanded that they were paid back to the insolvent estate. A large sum of money was repaid but a court order from the Swiss Federal High Court prevents details of the deal from being handed over to the investigating magistrate.
  • 02.06.2006 /
    FIFA does not have many comments on its problems with ISL. But since the collapse of the marketing company, FIFA has gone on the offensive with regards to governance and transparency by adopting a Code of Ethics and establishing a taskforce "For the Good of the Game."

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