• 14.07.2006 /
    Knowledge bank: Laura Robinson wrote Crossing the Line: Violence and Sexual Assault in Canada’s National Sport and Black Tights: Women, Sport and Sexuality. In this article and book review, she writes a personal and open letter to Sheldon Kennedy - a victim of sexual violence in Canadian Hockey.
  • 14.07.2006 /
    Knowledge bank: excerpt from article by John Hoberman on race and athletics
  • 11.07.2006 /
    Knowledge bank: PARIS. Far from the festive atmosphere of the World Cup, the race for cheap muscle and talent in Europe's lucrative soccer industry has created yet another wrinkle in the immigration debate: Every year thousands of school- age boys from Africa and Latin America are lured to Europe by dubious agents hawking dreams of glory and wealth.
  • 07.07.2006 /
    The European Tour Operators Association is not looking forward to London hosting the Olympics in 2012. The association has just released a report which shows that Olympic host cities suffer a drop in tourism growth in the years surrounding the event.
  • 07.07.2006 /
    The Spanish authorities owe the world an explanation for how it has handled the publication of information about the investigation of the blood doping scheme in Spain. So says Jens Evald, chairman of Anti-Doping Denmark, who is deeply concerned about the legal rights of the cyclists named in the investigation.
  • 07.07.2006 /
    Last week Play the Game’s strengthened its ties with sports scientists around the world, as the Director of Play the Game, Jens Sejer Andersen, was invited to become an advisor to the Editorial Board ICSSPE, the International Council of Sport Science and Physical Education.
  • 07.07.2006 /
    Even if Italy become world champions on Sunday no amnesty will be granted for those implicated in the largest match-fixing scandal in Italian football. Italy’s Sports Minister and the emergency supreme of the Football Federation (FIGC) have bluntly rejected an amnesty proposal made by a member of the Forza Italia party.
  • 07.07.2006 /
    Guy Drut, a French IOC member, seriously tarnished the reputation of the Olympic Movement when he was convicted in a corruption case in his home country, says IOC’s Ethics Commission. Nevertheless, after intervention by French president Jacques Chirac, Guy Drut can now continue his work on the Olympic Committee.

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