• 09.06.2006 /
    African reporters are training to use sports journalism in the fight against HIV and AIDS.
  • 09.06.2006 /
    In newspaper articles, FIFA has complained that its answers have been misrepresented by investigative reporter Andrew Jennings. Therefore Play the Game now gives FIFA president Sepp Blatter the opportunity to answer seven key questions raised by the book and to have the answers published unedited on Play the Game’s website.
  • 09.06.2006 /
    FIFA’s Congress decided this week to create a new Ethics Committee which shall act independently of FIFA’s Executive Committee. The setup of the committee and guidelines for its work will be determined later by FIFA’s Executive Committee.
  • 09.06.2006 /
    The International Volleyball Federation (FIVB) rejects all claims for compensation by its former secretary general, Jean-Pierre Seppey. Instead FIVB’s Board of Administration accuses Seppey of having embezzled the federation through a closed-loop system to cover personal expenses.
  • 08.06.2006 /
    Two radio journalists in Peru were physically assaulted by the manager of a professional football club as they were reporting on a match played 31 May
  • 08.06.2006 /
    German “sportnetzwerk” publishes new book about ’Korruption im Sport’. The book features texts in German as well as English and is the first book to focus on the global phenomenon of corruption in sports.
  • 08.06.2006 /
    UEFA President Lennart Johansson is ready to increase the level of control of the economic interests in football.
  • 08.06.2006 /
    FIFA and the German football association, the DFB, have not prevented a tournament featuring countries rejected by FIFA to be played in the week before the World Cup.

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