• 31.01.2013 /
    A number of EU projects on good governance in sport will present their results on 8 April 2013, when Play the Game hosts a one-day seminar in Brussels launching a new measuring tool intended to help put a stop to the widespread corruption in sports.
  • 30.01.2013 /
    WADA president John Fahey fervently denies that WADA had agreed to work with the International Cycling Union, UCI, on a new Truth and Reconciliation Commission to replace UCI’s Independent Commission. He also criticizes the decision to disband the former commission.
  • 29.01.2013 /
    Only a few months after establishing the International Cycling Union Independent Commission (UCIIC) to look into the allegations set forward against the UCI in the USADA report, the UCI has disbanded the commission in exchange for a truth and reconciliation process.
  • 25.01.2013 /
    At a meeting yesterday, the 53 European FIFA member associations unanimously adopted a declaration on proposed amendments to the FIFA statutes.
  • 23.01.2013 /
    When the Play the Game conference 2013 opens its doors, it will be in Play the Game’s home town Aarhus, Denmark from 28-31 October 2013. More than 300 experts and stakeholders are expected to join this 8th edition of the world communication conference on sport and society.
  • 22.01.2013 /
    In this paper, Jean-Loup Chappelet and Michaël Mrkonjic examines the theme of "good" governance and present an overview of existing and published governance principles in sport.
  • 22.01.2013 /
    International sports organisations insist on their autonomy from outside interference, but what limits do national and international laws put on the autonomy of sport? How do the laws of society influence the practices and governance of sports organisations? This is the topic of two research papers produced as a part of Play the Game and the Danish Institute for Sports Studies’ project ‘Good Governance in International Sports Organisations (AGGIS)’.
  • 18.01.2013 /
    In international matches, FIFA is responsible for the insurance of the players – but only for the men. This has made the Swedish women football league association (EFD) accuse FIFA of discrimination of female players and in a letter addressed to FIFA Secretary General Jérôme Valcke, they request that female players are included in the arrangement.

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