• 05.04.2013 /
    The one-vote-one-nation system is the preferred system of democracy in the international sports organisations. In this interview made as a part of the AGGIS project on good governance led by Play the Game, dr. Jürgen Mittag from German Sport University Cologne what the advantages and disadvantages of this system are.
  • 05.04.2013 /
    There is growing pressure on organisations to be more transparent and open, but many sports organisations have not learned this lesson yet. In this video and text interview, which is a part of the AGGIS project on good governance led by Play the Game, Senior Consultant Frank van Eekeren from Utrecht University calls for a change in the culture of secrecy.
  • 05.04.2013 /
    International sports federations have been enjoying a lot of advantages being clustered in neutral Switzerland, but there is growing concern over the country’s image after recent corruption scandals, not least in FIFA. In this video and text interview Ph.D. Candidate Michael Mrkonjic from the Swiss Graduate School of Public Administration discusses the connections between Switzerland and sport.
  • 05.04.2013 /
    Public communication is paramount in the world of sport and many sports organisations could do better when communicating with their stakeholders, argues Biba Klomp from the European Journalism in this video and text interview, which is a part of the AGGIS project on good governance led by Play the Game.
  • 05.04.2013 /
    The AGGIS Sports Governance Observer can be of great use to sports organisations that want to improve their performance, predicts Associate Professor Simona Kustec Lipicer from University of Ljubljana. In this video and text interview, which is a part of the AGGIS project on good governance led by Play the Game, she explains some basics on organisational monitoring.
  • 05.04.2013 /
    According to Jens Sejer Andersen, the International Director of Play the Game, it has become clear that international sports organisations are challenged by different kinds of corruption. He hopes that the AGGIS project will strengthen the public debate on good governance and motivate international sports organisations to improve.
  • 03.04.2013 /
    In this report from the Centre for Sport Policy Studies at the University of Toronto, Peter Donnelly and Michele K. Donnelly has analysed gender equality in sport using the case of the 2012 London Olympics. The specific focus of the report is on the athletes and on the gender-based structural and rule differences that still exist on the Olympic programme.
  • 02.04.2013 /
    A new series of leadership insights into governance on sport aims to assist sport leaders in spotting, sharing and shaping evolving good practices.

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