• 15.04.2013 /
    A new report on gender balance in Olympic competitions and leadership gives recommendations on how to further reduce the gender imbalance that research finds to exist in the Olympic movement.
  • 09.04.2013 /
    Presentations from the one-day seminar 'The Challenge for Europe in the Governance of Sport' have now been made available for download.
  • 09.04.2013 /
    On 8 April 2013, Play the Game hosted a one-day seminar in Brussels titled 'the Challenge for Europe in the Governance of Sport'. The seminar marked the conclusion of the AGGIS project, and provided a platform to reveal the final findings of the project and launch the 'Sports Governance Observer'. A number of other EU funded governance projects also revealed their findings and more than 100 experts participated. This is Jens Sejer Andersen's opening speech from the seminar.
  • 08.04.2013 /
    The EU-project Action for Good Governance in International Sports Organisations (AGGIS) has concluded, and a leaflet explaining the measuring tool Sports Governance Observer is now available for download as is the full AGGIS report.
  • 08.04.2013 /
    Sports organisations who want to curb corruption and mismanagement in their own ranks, will soon have a tool developed by experts at their hand: The Sports Governance Observer.
  • 08.04.2013 /
    In a series of video interviews, experts involved in the AGGIS project clarify the definition of basic elements in the framework of good governance in international sports organisations.
  • 05.04.2013 /
    Accountability is a cornerstone of good governance. In this video and text interview, which is a part of the AGGIS project on good governance led by Play the Game, professor Barrie Houlihan from Loughborough University explains the idea behind the term and how international sports organisations could improve and become more accountable.
  • 05.04.2013 /
    The public is increasingly demanding that sports organisations operate in a more decent way. In this video and text interview, which is a part of the AGGIS project on good governance led by Play the Game, Professor Hans Bruyninckx from the University of Leuven discusses the concept of good governance and some of the challenges many international sports organisations are facing.

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