Extensive review of IPC governance set to begin

Photo: Scanzon/Flickr

Photo: Scanzon/Flickr


By Play the Game
The International Paralympic Committee (IPC) will launch an in-depth review of its governance and decision-making structures and assess the need for changes.

To assess the need for changes in the governance structures of the International Paralympic Committee (IPC), the IPC Governance board will initiate an “extensive review”, the first since 2004.

The review will be carried out by an eight-person group led by IPC vice president Duane Kale. Represented in the working group are also athletes and regional representatives from committee. As vice chairperson of the group, Maria Clarke, independent governance expert and sports lawyer, has been assigned. Clarke was also involved in the governance review of the International Association of Athletic Federations (IAAF).

The review is not set in motion because the governance of the IPC is ‘broken’ but in order to be prepared for further growth and to strengthen the IPC’s position as a ‘leading sports organisation’, an IPC press release said.

“The current IPC governance structures are far from broken, but since the last governance review in 2004 the IPC and Paralympic Movement have grown beyond all recognition. With tremendous growth, comes greater responsibility, interest and scrutiny. Therefore, we must ensure that the IPC is an organisation with best practice and robust governance at its core,” IPC president Andrew Parsons said according to the press release and was backed by review group leader Kale:

“This governance review will go beyond matters of structures, integrity and ethical standards to include other good governance principles such as openness and accountability. We have a responsibility to the IPC membership and all the Para athletes that we serve to strengthen the IPC’s position as a strong and highly respected world leading sports organisation,” Kale said according to the press release.

The group will start its work next month and its findings will be presented at the IPC member gathering meeting in September later this year.


More information

Read the IPC press release: 
IPC to conduct extensive governance review

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