International conference on European Sport Management

Photo: News Oresund

Malmö. Photo: News Oresund/Flickr. 


By Play the Game
The European Association for Sport Management is hosting a conference on European Sport Management on September 5-8, and is calling for submission of papers.

The Scientific Committee of the 26th European Sport Management Conference of the European Association for Sport Management (EASM) is inviting scholars and practitioners to submit abstracts to be considered for presentation in Malmö, Sweden on September 5-8, 2018. The submission system expected to open on February 20. Submission deadline is April 20.

The Malmö 2018 conference theme is “Managing Sport in a Changing Europe”. In that respect, submissions that particularly, but not exclusively, relate to the conference theme are encouraged. Contributors have the opportunity to present in Parallel Sessions, Workshops, and attractive Poster Sessions during the conference.

The main aim of all conference sessions is to encourage participants from across sectors to share knowledge and provide new insights. Sessions also offer a platform to create inter- and cross-disciplinary contacts and collaborations.

Play the Game Special Workshop: Good governance and tools for change in sport

At the conference, Play the Game will host a workshop with the aim of discussing the value and relevance of the key dimensions of good governance: transparency, democratic processes, internal accountability and control, and societal responsibility.

We invite to an exchange of experiences between researchers and practitioners that work with sports governance on a daily basis. Case stories on best and worst practices will be on the agenda. And together we will try to establish the current situation on the ground in sports governance, and to identify steps that need to be taken to ensure further development.

The Workshop will offer a mix of presentations from researchers attached to the ‘National Sports Governance Observer’ project in Europe and beyond, invited keynotes from sports organisations, media or the sports industry, as well as contributions from conference participants based on short paper submission.

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