FIVB opens door for dialogue

Photo: Play the Game

Photo: Play the Game


By Play the Game
In an open letter, Play the Game has called on the FIVB to do right by whistleblower Mario Goijman and help him restore a decent life. FIVB leaders have now met with Goijman.

Following an open letter calling for the leaders of international and Argentinean volleyball to assume responsibility for securing that whistleblower Mario Goijman can return to a normal and dignifying life, a dialogue between Goijman and FIVB leaders has been established.

According to an FIVB statement, Goijman met with the FIVB General Director, Fabio Azevedo and president of the Argentinean Volleyball federation Juan Antonio Guetierrez at the Hilton Hotel in Buenos Aires on 5 October.

“They [Azevedo and Guetierrez] listened to Mr Goijman’s complaints against former FIVB President Ruben Acosta before explaining the FIVB’s legal position and constraints,” the statement says and adds that “the meeting was positive and productive and the FIVB agreed to provide a response in a timely manner“.

The FIVB underlines, however, that the FIVB is under “no obligation to act one way or the other” referring to a settlement that was reached in 2009 between Goijman and the FIVB in which Goijman received a compensation for some of his personal expenses in relation to his case.

“It is very encouraging that the FIVB has resumed the talks with Mario Goijman after so many years,” said Jens Sejer Andersen, international director in Play the Game and author of the open letter.

Without having seen the details of the said settlement, Andersen said that although it did cover some of the issues between Goijman himself and the FIVB, it did not include all matters in the case.

“However, the legal aspects are not the focus of our appeal. Like fair play on the volleyball pitch is not just a matter of following the rules, but implies actions that show selfless concern for the opponent, we are calling for fair play in a fortunately exceptional case. In essence we appeal to the FIVB to make a humanitarian decision that can allow Goijman both to cancel his final debts and to re-establish a decent life,” Andersen says.

More information

Read the Open letter:

Read a summary of the conflict between the Argentine Volleyball Federation(FAV)/Mario Goijman and the International Volleyball Federation (FIVB), 2002-2014 (Last updated January 2014)


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