UEFA member associations agree on declaration regarding FIFA statutes

UEFA member association presidents and general secretaries meeting in Nyon on 24 January 2013. Photo: UEFA.com


By Play the Game
At a meeting yesterday, the 53 European FIFA member associations unanimously adopted a declaration on proposed amendments to the FIFA statutes.

The meeting was requested by FIFA as a part of a consultation process with all member associations regarding possible statutory amendments.

At the meeting, the member associations reviewed the amendments to the FIFA Statutes approved at the 2012 FIFA Congress and discussed other proposed amendments, e.g. potential amendments focusing on good governance matters related to the FIFA Statutes, writes UEFA.com.

The meeting was conducted by UEFA General Secretary Gianni Infantino.

Last week, World Football Insider quoted Infantino saying that "UEFA wants to ensure that the FIFA statutory reform process maintains its good governance objectives and that this is explained to our member associations in a clear and transparent way, to enable them to make their position clear." 

Among the key points of the declaration, the member associations agreed on amendments regarding the composition of the FIFA Executive Commission and the appointment of its members, election of the FIFA president, limits to the terms of office and an age limit for members of all FIFA bodies. 

The full declaration can be found here

Source: UEFA.com, World Football Insider


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