Team Handball on the brink of insolvency


By Rasmus K. Storm
New in Knowledge Bank: Despite success for the Danish male national team at the 2011 World Championships in Sweden, the financial development in the Danish men’s and women’s League clubs is worse than ever. Analysis on the situation.

New in Knowledge Bank: Despite success for the Danish male national team at the 2011 World Championships in Sweden, the financial development in the Danish men’s and women’s Leauge clubs is worse than ever. Talks on financial fair play have to reach the agenda in professional handball just as they have come in European soccer recently.

Losses associated with professional team sports seem to be a common problem across Europe. Most recently UEFA released its annual report on the economy of European club football. ‘The European Club Footballing Landscape - Club Licensing Benchmarking Report Financial Year 2009 '.

The report figures showed a football branch filled with red numbers. Other European pro-sports, however, are also suffering from financial problems.
Team handball, the second most commercialized sport in Denmark, is an example hereof as it is facing its worst financial crisis since the commercialization of the game started in the mid-1990’s.

As with the European football clubs, the Danish team handball clubs have persistently overspent on players now resulting in a record high average deficit.

An analysis conducted by the Danish Institute for Sports Studies reveals a very dire situation.

Read the rest of the analysis


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