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Sunday 25 October

Opening session at the Aarhus Town Hall

Opening Session
Chairman: Henrik H. Brandt
Johs. Poulsen - Welcome to Play the Game 2015
Bertel Haarder - Official opening speech
Anne Brasseur -
Jens Sejer Andersen - Blowing the whistle: What Play the Game is about
Jacob Bundsgaard _ Welcome to Aarhus
Musical intervention by the Maestra Choir
Bonita Mersiades - Whistleblowers - the Fifth Estate of Democracy

Opening Session part 2
Chairman: Roger Pielke
Richard W. Pound - Global Sport – a SWOT Assessment
Nicholas I. Cheviron - Criminal Threats to the Global Sporting Industry
Peter Nicholson - Exploiting the connection: sporting rule violations and criminality
Arnout Geeraert - Sports Governance Observer - highlights from a survey into 35 international Olympic federations
Jonathan Calvert

Panelists: Michael Ask, Bonita Mersiades


A new World Code against doping: Who is willing to comply?

Plenary session

Chair: Andreas Selliaas
Sandro Donati - Doping must be tackled at the source; the rest is appearance
Hajo Seppelt - Russia and the IAAF - Doping in athletics
Michael Ask - Report on doping in Danish Cycling 1998-2015
Frédéric Donzé - How WADA plans to monitor sport and country compliance with the 2015 Code

Monday 26 October 2015

Good governance in sport: Setting standards, raising bars

Chair: Roger Pielke
Jens Weinreich - Corruption cases in international sports organisations - a brief summary
Arnout Geeraert - Sports Governance Observer - the full survey
Paquerette Girard Zappelli - Ethics and Good Governance, Olympic Agenda 2020
Wilhelm Rauch - Limits to autonomy? The Olympic family under Swiss legislation
Stanislas Frossard - Results of EPAS survey among governnments
Szabolcs Horvath - How the EU works for better governance in sport
Poul Broberg -

The battle for integrity in sport: Governments vs. sports organisations

Session organised by Anti Doping Danmark
Chair: Michael Ask
Michael Ask - Introduction
Herman Ram - Stuck in the mud or moving fast forward? The status of anti-doping at the global level
Richard W. Pound - The role of sports organisations in the fight for integrity in sport 
Jesper Frigast Larsen & Christina Friis Johansen - Fighting doping and matchfixing together - a unified approach

Focus on journalism: Baku 2015 – Sportswashing or nationbuilding on sport
Parallel session
Video of full session
Audio of session

Chair: Koen Breedveld
Gulnara Akhundova & Rebecca Vincent - Baku 2015: A failed attempt at "sportswashing" - Azerbaijan's image
Rasim Adjalov - The impact of the European Games on Azerbaijan
David Bloss - Unmasking a ruling family

Sports governance observer: The role of athletes in good governance
Parallel session
Video of full session
Audio of session

Chair: Arnout Geeraert
Arnout Geeraert - Sports Governance Observer - the full report with more details
Brendan Schwab - The role of athletes in delivering good governance

Rethink sports philosophy: Towards a democratic body culture
Parallel session
Video of full session
Audio of the session

Chair: Maja Pilgaard
Ove Korsgaard - Building democracy with bodies in movement
Henning Eichberg - Play, game, sport - and democratic self-determination
Tim Walters - Football in the Twenty-First Century: A Manifesto
Johan Ekberg - Deconstructing Olympism
Scott Jedlicka - The International Sport Regime: A Reconsideration of International Sport’s Political Status


Brazil: the permeable fortress and the road to Rio
Parallel session
Video of full session

Audio of the session

Chair: Kim Schimmel
Juliana Barbassa - Favelas in Pre-Olympic Rio de Janeiro: Renewal or Removal?
Dennis Pauschinger - The Permeable Fortress Protests, Policing and the Visibility of Security at the World Cup in Rio de Janeiro
Claudia Sanen - Sport mega-events and the attitude towards government. The perception of Rio de Janeiros forced evicted
Elizabeth Martin - Spectator no more: a call to action for spectators when the stakes are so high
Aníbal Chaim - FIFA: How Havelange got it

Reforming football: To be or not to be... a FIFA President

Chair: Roger Pielke
David Nakhid
Jens Weinreich - FIFA Confidential
Jesper Moller - A national federation viewpoint
Jaimie Fuller - New FIFA Now - how do we get there?
Jerome Champagne -
Rabih Azad-Ahmad - A few words before the dinner 

Tuesday 27 October 2015

Match-fixing: Governments versus gangsters - what are the odds?

Audio of the session

Chair: Jesper Frigast Larsen
Stanislas Frossard - The Convention on the Manipulation ofSports Competitions - how can it become effective?
Alex Inglot - Match-Fixing’s decade: Understanding the last ten years and what it means for the next ten
Nicholas I. Cheviron - The FBI's Aproach to combat match-fixing: A glimpse into illegal gambling investigations
Declan Hill - Forget the Mafia coming into sport
Leandro Shara - How can the format revolution eradicate "strategic" and reduce bet-related matchfixing?
Panelists: Sarah Lacarrière

Physical activity in Europe: Cause for concern?
Partner session
Video of full session
Audio of the session part 1
Audio of the session part 2

Chair: Richard Bailey
Marvin Radford - The financial costs of inactivity
Maja Pilgaard - Teenage girls and sport – have a break or have a problem?
Martin Holzweg - Changing the school
Rose-Marie Repond
Michael Filtenborg - Physical activity at the workplace – a beneficial cause
Richard Bailey - 10 Steps to Reversing the Physical Inactivity Epidemic

Sports Governance Observer: Benchmarking sports governance in the future (II)

Audio of the session

Chair: Arnout Geeraert

Arnout Geeraert - More highlights from the Sports Governance Observer report
Panelist: Stanislas Frossard, George Paterson

The power of data and analysis for sport for all strategies (I)
Parallel session
Video of full session
Audio of the session

Chair: Henrik H. Brandt
Koen Breedveld - Measuring sport. Can solid data contribute to better governance in sports for all?
Henrik H. Brandt - The biggest revolution in world sport? How the power balance of sport is rapidly changing without media and politicans paying attention
Johan Norberg - Are sports governing bodies up for the task in delivering sport to society as a whole?


Playing with credibility: The corruption of international sports governance

Audio of the session

Chair: Mogens Kirkeby
Deborah Unger& Bob Munro - The work of Transparency International on corruption in sport
Murali Krishnan - India’s missed chances and dismal sporting culture
Sergey Yurlov - Creating Of An Effective Sports Governing Body In The Russian Federation
Christer Ahl - IHF – the corruption spreads from the meeting rooms to the playing field
Umaid Wasim - Pakistan's FF: More FIFA than football

Integrity in practice: How to fight the fixers
Parallel session
Video of full session

Audio of the session

Chair: Michael Ask
Nikolaos Theodorou - Athletic Arena, Sysyphean drama: Endless and unavailing fight against Greek sports corruption
Damian Voltz - Understanding the threat to the integrity of sport in Australia - how Australia developed a comprehensive understanding of the threats to the integrity of Australian Sport
Peter Nicholson - Issues arrising in Cycling and Cricket
Severin Moritzer - The Austrian approach: How to combat match-fixing and promote integrity in sport
Mads Boesen - The Danish fight against matchfixing
Sarah Lacarrière & Evangelos Alexandrakis - The Actions of Lotteries to Safeguard the Integrity of Sports
Simon Gardiner - Fighting Corruption in Sport: does the Sports Integrity Industry have an 'integrity deficit'?

The power of data and analysis for sport for all strategies (II)
Parallel session
Video of full session

Audio of the session

Chair: Henrik H. Brandt
Matthew Eames & Alex Burrows - Providing governments and federations real time intelligence on participation, activity programmes, facility investment and social return
Anne Pøhl - Delivering on sports participation. How Vision 25-50-75 challenges Danish sports organisations to develop their clubs and create new partnerships
Guy de Grauwe - Creating healthy work places: Company sport works for you
Søs Bondo - Alternative sports organisations. How a new platform for street sport is challenging established Danish sports


Mega-events 1. The public revolts: A perfect storm for sport?

Audio of the session

Chair: Koen Breedveld
Andrew Zimbalist - Circus Maximus: The Economic Gamble Behind Hosting the Olympics and World Cup
Sarah Lewis - How Agenda 2020 will affect future sports events
Elchin Safarov - Legacy of European Games
Hans Bruyninckx - Global sports: time for a changing climate, in times of climate change

Mega-events 2. Can Agenda 2020 inspire sustainability in sport?

Audio of the session

Chair: Christopher Gaffney
Chadia Afkir - UNODC strategy for safeguarding against corruption in major public events
Naomi Westland - Beyond the PR fluff: Will mega sports events ever be a force for good?
Juergen Griesbeck - Time to unleash the potential of football
Andreas Selliaas - The dubious promises of Agenda 2020
Panelist: Sarah Lewis

FIFA’s confederations: At the heart of football’s challenges
Main session
Video of full session

Audio of the session

Aderonke Bello - CAF and its role in the FIFA breakdown
James M. Dorsey - AFC and its role in the FIFA breakdown
Ezequiel Fernandez Moores - CONMEBOL: Yankees come home
Jochen Leufgens & Robert Kempe - UEFA and its role in the FIFA breakdown

Transfers and trafficking: The human cost of broken dreams

Audio of the session

Chair: Sine Agergaard
Niko Besnier - Locating Sport Migrants in Structures of Kinship and Indebtedness
Jean-Claude Mbvoumin - Which protection for minors in the 21st century football?
Emanuel Macedo de Medeiros
Wil van Megen - Why the transfer system should be abolished (tbc)
Zenon Severis - The EU Perspective

U.S. college sport: Unprotected amateurs in a billion-dollar business
Main session
Video of full session

Audio of the session

Chair: Kim Schimmel
B. Dave Ridpath - Alternative Models of Sport Development in America Outside of the Educational System - Can it work to Prevent an Educational Crisis?
Roger Pielke- Making Sense of the NCAA as a Governance Problem
Andrew Zimbalist - Crisis and Reform of Intercollegiate Athletics in the U.S
Rob Steen - A fair share? Collective bargaining in baseball
Benjamin Bendrich - A European Perspective on the Current Issues of Intercollegiate Athletics
Panelist: Christer Ahl


Qatar and the soft diplomacy of sport
Parallel session
Video of full session

Audio of the session

Chair: Christopher Gaffney
Andy Stevens - The use of global sport events as a soft power ressource
Susan Dun - Game On: Can Qatar Deliver a Winning 2022 FIFA World Cup Hosting Performance?
James Corbett - Secrets and Lies: Qatar 2022, the media & the Gulf’s migrant labour problem

Movement facilities on the water front
Parallel session
Video of the full session

Audio of the session

Chair: Henrik H. Brandt
Peter Forsberg - Rethinking sports facilities. What kind of facilities do people actually want, and how can we make better use of what we have got
Jakob Færch - Reclaiming the blue element. Converting the water to the best arena for sports and recreation in town
Stephen Willacy - Aarhus East: Creating a brand new hub for living, sport and recreation through careful urban development
Henrik Stampe - The Blue Rambla: Using community sport and events to make a new part of town spring into life.

Sports politics and governance: A global outlook

Audio of the session

Chair: Jens Alm
Catherine Ordway - Sports Corruption: Justice and accountability through international legislation
Jonas Burgheim - Developments in International Sport Policy and Human Rights
Peter Donnelly - Olympic Agenda 20 + 20: Will the reforms increase women’s participation?
Hande Ozturk - Women’s Involvement in Sports as A Cure to Match-fixing
and Corruption
Urszula Starakiewicz - Transparency of Polish sports federations - from a journalistic perspective


The migrant athlete in Europe: Risks and opportunities
Parallel session
Video of full session

Audio of the session

Chair: Ditte Toft
Sine Agergaard - Does European dual career policies include migrating athletes?
Mark Hann & Uroš Kovačv - Subjective experiences of aspiring football migrants in West and Central Africa
Christian Ungruhe - Playing the other. African footballers, racism and self-charismatization in German professional football
Martin Kainz - The local operating of a global (European) football actor in Ghana – Using the example of the football academy Red Bull Ghana

The new UNESCO Charter: Wonderful intentions, but how can they come true?

Audio of the session

Chair: Henrik H. Brandt
Philipp Mueller-Wirth - The revised International Charter of Physical Education, Physical Activity and Sport: Activating global quality and ethical standards for sport
Bob Munro
Esben Danielsen - Simple facilities create a major impact
Mogens Kirkeby
Hande Öztürk - Why strenghen women's access in sports and sports leadership
Richard Bailey

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