Play the Game

  • Photo: Thomas Søndergaard/Play the Game
    14.03.2017 /
    Around 30 European parliamentarians will join sports leaders to discuss how to fight corruption in sport. This will happen at a public hearing in Aarhus, Denmark, organised by PACE together with Play the Game.
  • 26.01.2017 /
    The Dutch Minister for Health, Welfare and Sport, Edith Schippers, has secured financial support for taking the next edition of the Play the Game conference to The Netherlands in November 2017
  • Photo: Republic of Korea/Flickr
    30.06.2016 /
    It seems that not all 35 Olympic Federations are concerned with the IOC’s increasing demand for good governance in sports. Critics are targeting the International Shooting Sport Federation (ISSF) for its governance practices.
  • Photo: Thomas Søndergaard/Play the Game
    22.02.2016 /
    In a joint statement, ministers of the Nordic countries warn that corruption, doping and manipulation of sports competitions undermine the core values of sport. There is an urgent need for action, they state.
  • Photo: Thomas Søndergaard/Play the Game
    13.01.2016 /
    Over the next four years, Play the Game will receive 400,000 euro to strengthen the fight against corruption and mismanagement in international sports organisations.
  • Photo: Thomas Søndergaard/Play the Game
    12.01.2016 /
    Hosting two mega-events in Brazil within two years has resulted in many political promises on improvement for the citizens in Brazil and in particular Rio de Janeiro where the 2016 Olympics will be held. Presentations at Play the Game 2015 shed light on some of the less glamorous consequences.
  • Photo: DGI - Danish Gymnastics and Sports Association
    By Jens Sejer Andersen- International director, Play the Game
    23.12.2015 /
    Public trust in international sports federations was burned to the ground in 2015 due to financial excesses and corruption scandals. 2016 might be the year where autonomy of sport is replaced by true freedom of association. Play the Game’s international director gives his wind-up of a turbulent year for sport.
  • Photo: Thomas Søndergaard/Play the Game
    22.12.2015 /
    The online survey among the delegates of this year’s Play the Game conference gave encouraging answers, but also points to some room for improvement.

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