Play the Game

  • Photo: Thomas Søndergaard/Play the Game
    26.11.2017 /
    More than 450 participants will discuss challenges to world sports in the coming days during Play the Game 2017 in Eindhoven. Although it is no longer taboo to speak about the murkier sides of sport such as corruption and doping, the law of silence still rules in many sports, sounded the warning at the opening of the conference.
  • Photo: Thomas Søndergaard/Play the Game
    26.11.2017 /
    Opening address at the 10th international Play the Game conference, 26 November 2017 in Eindhoven, the Netherlands
  • 22.11.2017 /
    Only few days before Play the Game 2017 opens, the conference programme offers a few last minute amendments worth noticing.
  • Photo: Colourbox
    21.11.2017 /
    Amidst all the talk about reform and structural changes in sport, are policy makers paying enough attention to rights of the athletes without whom there would be no sport?
  • Photo: Colourbox
    21.11.2017 /
    Sexual violence against children and young athletes in sport is a problem that has only in recent years started to be published broadly. Yet, a number of brave victims have now started to stand up to tell their stories publicly, and it is obvious that the problem has existed for way too long.
  • Photo: Pixabay
    By Christina Friis Johansen- International policy adviser, Play the Game
    21.11.2017 /
    Whistleblowing has become one of the hottest topics in discussions on sports integrity. Independent voices have been instrumental for disclosing problems of doping, corruption or other types of crime. But who should guarantee the necessary support and protection when whistleblowers are endangered?
  • Photo:Thomas Søndergaard/Play the Game
    17.11.2017 /
    “Change or be changed” was the warning the IOC President sent to the sports world when the ‘Agenda 2020’ reform package was adopted. Three years later it is time to ask: Did change actually happen?
  • 17.11.2017 /
    The international anti-doping crisis, the widespread sports corruption, the increasing number of revelations of sexual abuse cases and other controversial issues will be debated by almost 200 leading experts and sports leaders when the 10th edition of the Play the Game conference comes to the Netherlands.

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