• 02.06.2006 /
    FIFA does not have many comments on its problems with ISL. But since the collapse of the marketing company, FIFA has gone on the offensive with regards to governance and transparency by adopting a Code of Ethics and establishing a taskforce "For the Good of the Game."
  • 02.06.2006 /
    The book ’Foul!’ draws a depressing picture of the decay taking place outside the fields in the world’s most popular sport, writes sports editor Søren-Mikael Hansen in a review of Andrew Jennings’ new book.
  • 02.06.2006 /
    In the face of strong resistance from FIFA, investigative reporter Andrew Jennings published his book ‘Foul!’ on wrong-doings in soccer’s international governing body in May 2006. In this extract from the book’s chapter one, Andrew Jennings introduces the theme of bribery with a vivid description of a confrontation between himself and FIFA president Blatter at a press conference.
  • 19.05.2006 /
    FIFA no longer wants to stop the sale of investigative reporter Andrew Jennings’ book ”Foul” in Switzerland. Until recently the book was subject to a temporary injunction issued by the cantonal high court in Zurich on FIFA’s behalf but the football organisation has now withdrawn its request to uphold the injunction.
  • 09.05.2006 /
    Mario Goijman is one Argentinean who dislikes corruption and dishonesty. His strong conviction that sport leaders should act as role models has led him to a three year long battle against giants in the world of sport.
  • 09.05.2006 /
    In the week of World Press Freedom Day, investigative reporter Andrew Jennings finally published his book “Foul!” with stories about bribes, vote rigging and ticket scandals in FIFA. It happened in the face of massive resistance from FIFA which since September 2005 has tried to stop the publication and recently succeeded in getting a ban on the sale of the book in Switzerland.
  • 07.04.2006 /
    FIFA vice-president Jack Warner did not receive a punishment from FIFA's Executive Committee when it met to discuss what should happen to Warner after he had been found guilty of a conflict of interest by FIFA's Committee for Ethics and Fair Play back in February.
  • 17.03.2006 /
    One month after his conviction for fraud, the IOC Executive Committee has finally decided to provisionally deprive Yong-sung Park from South Korea of all rights as an IOC member. The provision stays in place until the IOC Ethics Committee has completed its inquiry into the case and until the judicial authorities in South Korea have rendered a final judgement.

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