• 18.07.2003 /
    Knowledge bank: In Latin America, we can observe, in which direction club sport and physical education may develop if neither the economic nor the political system or the population are able to transfer resources to the sport system. The exposition will show how this kind of change of society (globalization) affects sport by means of the example of the labour market.
  • 01.07.2003 /
    Knowledge bank: The problem of drug abuse in sports is an old topic. The anabolic steroid abuse the main form of doping for more than 30 years, has been in existence since the late fifties.
  • 01.07.2003 /
    Knowledge bank: The formation of groups is essential not only to the more formal side of team sports, but also to the recruitment of members to sports clubs and organisations that do not aim at attaining spectacular results or even team work but merely to motivate ordinary people to exercise. Therefore, it is important to know how groups and group formation are viewed in any particular culture in order to assess the possibilities and strategies inherent in the specific culture
  • 01.07.2003 /
    Knowledge bank: Sport Management in Eastern Europe, especially in Hungary

  • 25.06.2003 /
    Knowledge bank: The head of BBC's Sports Online site tells about the perspectives of sports journalism on the net.
  • 25.06.2003 /
    Knowledge bank: My intention today is to give you an insight into the role played by doping control agencies world-wide, using doping control as a tool, in the fight against doping in sport.
  • 03.06.2003 /
    Knowledge bank: Professor of sports history, Hans Bonde, gives a brief introduction to the fascinating history of the Danish gymnastics pedagogue Niels Bukh. He revolutionized male aesthetics, became a symbol of Danishness and was dangerously close to the Nazis during the 1930's. 
  • 26.05.2003 /
    Sepp Blatter's cash-strapped FIFA are in turmoil this week after he sacked one of his closest aides - but agreed to pay his salary, around GBP150,000 a year, until the end of 2006.

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