• 11.10.2010 /
    In India, a group of former athletes have formed a new movement with the express goal of wrestling control of India's sports clubs and federations from the grip of politicians and train former sports people to take over themselves. The group called Clean Sports India (CSI) believes it is the only way to rid Indian sports of endemic corruption and mismanagement.
  • 11.10.2010 /
    At a meeting with Commonwealth sport ministers last week in Delhi, India, WADA Director General David Howman suggested that a global body, much like the World Anti-Doping Agency is set up to fight corruption in sport, especially gambling corruption.
  • 05.10.2010 /
    New report from the Forum for African Investigative Reporters (FAIR) exposes corruption and mismanagement in professional African soccer leagues.
  • 05.10.2010 /
    FIFA suspended the Nigerian Football Federation (NFF) yesterday because of government interference in the federation’s work.
  • 04.10.2010 /
    Last week, the European ministers of sport passed a unanimous resolution to ask the Council of Europe to help set up an international agency to fight corruption in sport.
  • 04.10.2010 /
    The Commonwealth Games 2010 finally took off in New Delhi, yesterday, on October 3 after rebounding from the brink of disaster a couple of weeks ago when several (Western) teams threatened to pull out – and several individual athletes actually did so – due to concerns about unhygienic conditions in the Games Village, the dengue fever epidemic raging in the Indian capital due to incessant rains and consequent floods, the ever-present terrorism threat that hovers permanently over the Indian sub-continent and other assorted issues.
  • 01.10.2010 /
    A resolution encouraging closer co-operation between states and stakeholders in the fight against match fixing was adopted by ministers at the 18th Council of Europe informal Conference of Ministers responsible for sport held on 22 September in Baku, Azerbaijan.
  • 27.09.2010 /
    The president of France’s anti-doping agency (AFLD), Pierre Bordry, announced his resignation Friday after a five year tenure in which he had several clashed with cycling officials and with Lance Armstrong.

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