• 26.10.2010 /
    In an attempt to investigate the several corruption allegations made in the run up to the 2010 Commonwealth Games in India, the Central Vigilance Commission (CVC), set up by the Indian government in 1964 to address governmental corruption, has formed a special Cell of senior officials, who are to look into these complaints of corruption.
  • 25.10.2010 /
    Switzerland’s sports ministry is currently reviewing the country’s laws regarding corruption in sport in the wake of the latest corruption scandal surrounding Swiss-based FIFA.
  • 22.10.2010 /
    As world football governing body FIFA investigates allegations of corruption, some observers are asking questions about the federation’s host nation – Switzerland.
  • 21.10.2010 /
    FIFA has provisionally suspended its two Executive Committee members, Amos Adamu and Reynald Temarii, who are accused of selling their votes in the election of the host of the 2018 and 2022 World Cups.
  • 20.10.2010 /
    Ghana’s greatest football players plough back their fortunes into the communities where they grew up. In doing so, they encourage other youths to take soccer seriously.
  • 20.10.2010 /
    The current vote-selling scandal has put FIFA corruption on the agenda. "There is not much to be surprised about if you follow FIFA's actions on a regular basis" said Jens Sejer Andersen, International Director at Play the Game, on Monday in an interview with World Radio Switzerland.
  • 20.10.2010 /
    Football in Nigeria has two faces. One is that of players taken out of the slums by the game. In gratitude, after making fame and fortune, they are developing the community. The other is that of soccer officials who enrich themselves at the expense of local players and to the detriment of the game.
  • 19.10.2010 /
    A new resolution on sport was passed in the UN General Assembly yesterday, renewing the UN's support to sport as a tool for social change.

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