• 27.05.2011 /
    Adidas, a FIFA top sponsor for more than 30 years worries about the current corruption allegations of FIFA President Sepp Blatter and other high-ranking members of the governing body.
  • 23.05.2011 /
    Former cycler Tyler Hamilton has made claims that Lance Armstrong told him that he tested positive for EPO during the 2001 Tour of Switzerland, but escaped sanctions due to intervention from the International Cycling Union (UCI).
  • 18.05.2011 /
    President of the European Parliament, Jerzy Buzek has issued a call to deprive Belarus of the right to host the 2014 Men’s World Ice Hockey Championships until political prisoners have been released from Belarusian prisons.
  • 16.05.2011 /
    The national radio Deutschlandfunk and Play the Game enter a partnership to inspire sports journalism and render tangible benefits to both international and German participants in Cologne.
  • 12.05.2011 /
    The conference Challenges for Football, 20-21 June in Aarhus, Denmark, presents an ambitious programme with a great range of interesting speakers.
  • 10.05.2011 /
    IWF President Tamás Aján and Brazilian world champion and social entrepreneur Raí are among the first new names on the list of speakers for Play the Game 2011.
  • 09.05.2011 /
    Last week’s CONCACAF congress revealed little to the press about the important meeting, the first after the US bid for World Cup 2022 was defeated in December last year and a meeting which was expected to reveal the support for one of the candidates for the post as FIFA President. News agency Reuters was present in Miami and delivered a somewhat puzzled report on what went on at the Maimi hotel.
  • 05.05.2011 /
    Analysis: Putin’s increasing influence in the Olympic world and the awarding of the FIFA World Cup to Russia and Qatar make it clear for everybody: Everything is for sale in the world of sport – and the worst is to be expected. The German freelance journalist Jens Weinreich looks behind the curtains of international sport politics.

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