CAS upholds IPC's 2016 Rio suspension of Russia

Photo: Bromiskelly/Flickr


By Play the Game
CAS has dismissed the Russian Paralympic Committee's appeal against the decision by the International Paralympic Committee to ban Russia from the Rio Paralympics.

CAS has released its decision regarding the Russian Paralympic Committee's (RPC) appeal against the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) decision to ban Russian athletes from competing at the Rio Paralympics and has ruled in favour of the IPC.

"The CAS Panel in charge of this matter found that the IPC did not violate any procedural rule in dealing with the disciplinary process leading to the RPC’s suspension and that the decision to ban the RPC was made in accordance with the IPC Rules and was proportionate in the circumstances. The Panel also noted that the RPC did not file any evidence contradicting the facts on which the IPC decision was based," said a statement released by CAS today.

While pleased with the CAS decision, IPC president Sir Philip Craven expressed sympathy with the Russian athletes and called it a 'sad day' for the Paralympic movement which could, however, result in a 'new beginning'.

"We hope this decision acts as a catalyst for change in Russia and we can welcome the Russian Paralympic Committee back as a member safe in the knowledge that it is fulfilling its obligations to ensure fair competition for all," Craven said according to a press release from the IPC.

According to Russian news site Sputnik, Russian lawmakers are looking into how to react to the decision.

"The State Duma committee is engaged in the study of all possible options to respond to the current situation. We are in consultation with the International Olympic Committee [IOC], the Ministry of Sports, with our Paralympic Committee," said Dmitry Svishchev, head of the Russian State Duma committee on physical culture, sport and youth affairs, writes Sputnik.

More information

The full CAS award (added on 31 August after publication)

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