IOC presidential candidate manifestos published


By Play the Game
At the Extraordinary IOC Session in Lausanne 3-4 July 2013, the six candidates for the post as the next IOC president are presenting their election manifestos at a meeting closed for the press.

German investigative journalist Jens Weinreich is present in Lausanne and, as probably the only place online, you can now read all six manifestos on his blog where he has made them available.

Read Richard Carrión’s election manifesto

Read Ser Miang Ng’s election manifesto

Read Thomas Bach’s election manifesto

Read Ching-Kou Wo’s election manifesto

Read Denis Oswald’s election manifesto

Read Sergey Bubka’s election manifesto

Apart from getting the presentations from the presidential candidates, the IOC members are gathered in Lausanne to vote on the 2018 Youth Olympic host city and to see presentations from the bidding cities for the 2020 Summer Games.

Read also The withering whispers of the IOC


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