Blood doping expert: “Armstrong’s blood values could indicate blood doping"


Armstrong’s blood values from the Tour de France deviate from the normal pattern of blood values. This type of pattern can stem from blood doping, says one of Denmark’s leading blood researchers

Jakob Mørkeberg, blood researcher at Bispebjerg Hospital in Denmark has been looking thoroughly at Lance Armstrong’s blood values during this year’s Tour de France where he came in third.

According to the Danish researcher, Armstrong’s blood values show a highly unusual pattern during the Tour. 

“What we know from previous test results from  the Tour de France, hard exercise will cause a decrease  in these blood values, this is not what we see when looking at Armstrong’s tests values,” Mørkeberg explains.

Armstrong’s  blood values were practically the same the first and the last day of the tour, says Mørkeberg to the Danish Broadcasting Cooperation, whereas his results from Giro d’Italia show a decrease in the blood values as is the normal pattern during this high level of exercise.

Within three days in the middle of the tour, Armstrong’s hematocrit value even increased by 2,4, which is another indication of blood doping.

The blood levels that are used for doping testing are the number of red blood cells, the hematocrit level and the heamoglobin  values.

Mørkeberg emphasizes that blood doping is not the only thing that can cause these kinds of value deviations – diarrhea or dehydration could have the same effect.

When asked why Armstrong would risk doping himself during his much anticipated return to the Tour, Mørkeberg’s answers:
“Today no test method exists that can prove blood transfusions when the athlete’s own blood is used. This makes this type of doping very attractive. “



The testing results:

News clip from DR (Danish Broadcasting Cooperation):


  • Luke Conrad, 28.02.2010 08:20:
    I don't think he doped, sounds like standard variations or dehydration. Would be more worthy if it wasn't a phd assistant either.
  • Harry ., 09.09.2009 10:38:
    It is quite paradoxal that in the contribution of the day before (September 2) about: Doping and legal rights of athletes quiet a few unbiased people spoke out against the never ending flow of unfounded accusations against athletes who are not able in any way to defend themselves against these "white-coat opportunists", that you give the opportunity to publish this gossip-magazine level piece of information, totally unworthy of any self-respecting scientist.
    A shame for and a slap in the face for anywone taking the doping-issue serious
  • Mary ., 05.09.2009 10:23:
    “Today no test method exists that can prove blood transfusions when the athlete’s own blood is used. This makes this type of doping very attractive. “
    So you can scream from the roofs that you passed all the controls but that does not say a thing about blood doping apparently.
  • Daniel ., 03.09.2009 10:23:
    So is this some secret kind of blood doping the UCI testers didn't know about? I doubt it. I'm just guessing the results are explainable by dehydration and margin of error in measurements?

    BTW, the guy appears to appear to be a Phd Candidate not a Phd! Not exactly a world class expert then. Get your facts straight.
  • Peter ., 03.09.2009 10:22:
    No surprise there!

    Armstrong has been using performance enhancing drugs all along. As the only professional rider he is fx allowed to use testosteron up to a certain level. Thus kepin his testosteron level stable at all times.

    These new indications of very suspicious values make sense and are not really surprising.
  • doug ., 03.09.2009 10:22:
    morkeberg, is just a student who wants his 5 minutes of fame on the back of LA, for the rest of his academic carreer he cannot be taken serious anymore, what people do to get in the picture ...
  • Rex ., 03.09.2009 10:21:
    Amen Steve!
    …"diarrhea or dehydration could have the same effect”... I can't imagine getting dehydrated during the TOUR DE FRANCE!!!! (Heavy sarcasm for Mørkeberg in case he doesn’t pick up on it) Mørkeberg should hop on a bike for a few hours and see what happens. Go Lance!
  • Steve ., 03.09.2009 10:16:
    Wow! 40+ passed doping controls and people still won't leave it alone. And all doping control records were made public as well. I hope LA can find a way to bring lawsuits against people like this for harassment. Your not worth the read 'playthegame'.

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