Play the Game 2009 Call for Papers to be launched Monday 8 December

Did the Summer Olympics 2008 bring China and the rest of the world closer together? Is there a cure to match fixing in sport? How can sport work to serve peace and reconciliation? Can Interpol stop the growing illegal doping trade? Who were the sports leaders that received 138 million Swiss Francs handed out as bribes throughout the 90s? And why is the youth turning its back on sport?

Did the Summer Olympics 2008 bring China and the rest of the world closer together? Is there a cure to match fixing in sport? How can sport work to serve peace and reconciliation? Can Interpol stop the growing illegal doping trade? Who were the sports leaders that received 138 million Swiss Francs handed out as bribes throughout the 90s? And why is the youth turning its back on sport?

These are some of the crucial questions that will be raised during the sixth world conference Play the Game which brings media professionals, academics and sports practitioners together to seek solutions to the most impending challenges to modern sport.

Next Monday the 8 December - exactly 6 months before the city of Coventry welcomes hundreds of conference delegates from 8-12 June 2009 -  Play the Game will launch a Call for Papers with further description of all conference main themes, registration prices and all the information you need to ensure your participation.

Visit the Play the Game 2009 webpage at


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