• By Thomas Bach
    09.09.2011 /
    Comment: In this second contribution to Play the Game’s exclusive comment series on corruption in sport leading up to the Play the Game 2011 conference, Thomas Bach, Vice-President of the International Olympic Committee (IOC), highlights the need to protect sport, which integrity, credibility and reputation are threatened by doping, corruption and manipulation of competitions.
  • By Sylvia Schenk,
    04.09.2011 /
    Comment: In this first entry in a comment series Sylvia Schenk, Senior Advisor on sport in Transparency International, opens the sport governance debate arguing that corruption, the lack of transparency and other governance problems is an urgent challenge.
  • By Lasana Liburd
    30.08.2011 /
    Comment: “Will Caribbean football crumble without the man they called ‘Teflon Jack’”, journalist Lasana Liburd asks in this comment piece discussing how football in the Caribbean will go on after Jack Warner resigned as head of CONCACAF and CFU amid corruption allegations.
  • By Andreas Selliaas
    11.08.2011 /
    Comment: While trying to control the riots in London, London Mayor Boris Johnson must also ensure that the riots will not affect the London Olympcs and that they do not happen again in July 2012.
  • By Jean-Loup Chappelet
    02.08.2011 /
    Comment: It is worth considering if the polluter-pays principle could be used in sport as a tool against doping, hooliganism, corruption and other forms of inappropriate behaviour, argues Jean-Loup Chappelet in this comment article.
  • By Steve Menary
    14.07.2011 /
    Comment: English side Manchester City may be about to embark on their first Champions League campaign but the riches earned by clubs playing in continental competitions is bankrolling increased domination of domestic leagues. That is the evidence in Play the Game’s annual Champions League diversity index for 2011, which shows a third of the countries in this year’s competition are represented by exactly the same sides as a year ago.
  • By Andreas Selliaas
    06.07.2011 /
    Comment: Wednesday 6th July the IOC will decide who will host the Winter Olympics in 2018. The battle is between the cities Pyeongchang, Munich and Annecy. Pyeongchang is bidding for the third time and many see the Koreans as a narrow favourite. But favourites are rarely victorious!
  • By Andreas Selliaas
    04.07.2011 /
    Comment: On Saturday 18 June US President Barack Obama played a historical round of golf with John Boehner, the Republican leader in Congress. Never before has a sitting president invited his strongest opponent for a round of golf.
  • By Andreas Selliaas
    09.06.2011 /
    Comment: On May 27 Alaistar Campbell - Tony Blair's former spin doctor – used the name FIFAgate on the corruption allegations and backstabbing in FIFA before the Congress in Zürich at the beginning of June.
  • By Jens Sejer Andersen- International director, Play the Game
    06.06.2011 /
    Comment: The FIFA reforms introduced by its re-elected president Blatter may end up increasing corruption rather than stopping it, and there is a real risk of split in the so-called FIFA family

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