• By Andreas Selliaas
    03.08.2012 /
    In this comment, Andreas Selliaas discusses the Olympic badminton ‘scandal’ and questions whether the tactics of the badminton players are so different than swimmers and 100m runners saving their strengths for the finals.
  • By Peter Donnelly
    30.07.2012 /
    The claim that Olympic medals won by Canadian athletes will inspire increased sports participation by Canadians is not clearly supported by statistics. In this comment, Peter Donnelly looks at the legacy of mass participation and how this might be accomplished.
  • By Andrew Jennings, Nikki Dryden
    25.07.2012 /
    In an new critical report, a group of Olympians, academics, athletes, journalists and students lead by human rights lawyer and former Olympic swimmer Nikki Dryden and investigative journalist Andrew Jennings put focus on how well the individual members of the International Olympic Committee live up to the Olympic ideals. In this comment, Dryden and Jennings explain their motivation behind the project and present what they call ‘the Real IOC’.
  • By Jens Sejer Andersen- International director, Play the Game
    12.07.2012 /
    Comment: The publication of the ISL dossier leaves FIFA with a number of inconvenient questions, including the most sensitive: Can FIFA accept a president who allowed his allies to steal massive values from his own enterprise?
  • By Jean-Loup Chappelet
    09.07.2012 /
    If the size of the Olympics are not reduced, they may become awarded only to rich and authoritarian regimes in the future. Professor Jean-Loup Chappelet, sports governance expert at IDHEAP in Lausanne, analyses the risks of Olympic gigantism
  • By Jens Sejer Andersen- International director, Play the Game
    27.06.2012 /
    The Olympic ticket scandal is a symptom of a more widespread disease in the Olympic family. Europe looks for a remedy, but will Rogge add reform to his own legacy?
  • By Henrik H. Brandt, Søren Bang, Jens Alm
    09.05.2012 /
    COMMENT: International sport and local politicians are responsible for the waste of resources worth billions of dollars when demanding oversized stadiums that mainly serve the interests of the contractors who build and maintain them.
  • By Jens Sejer Andersen- International director, Play the Game
    02.04.2012 /
    As so often before, FIFA’s Exco avoided to make convincing reform decisions, but investigation into the past may become possible later this year comments Jens Sejer Andersen, international director at Play the Game.
  • By Laura Robinson
    23.03.2012 /
    Another professional skier died this month, and little is being done to make the sport safer. Canadian author and journalist, Laura Robinson, comments on sports officials' tendencies to put the fight for new viewers by making the sports more dangerous and exciting above the safety of the athletes.
  • By Nikki Dryden
    27.02.2012 /
    Comment: Will 2012 be our year, asks the Olympic swimmer and human rights attorney Nikki Dryden on behalf of the stakeholders in swimming who are calling for more transparency, accountability and democracy in the top of the international swimming federation (FINA).

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