• 17.02.2009 /
    The IOC charter states that “only sports that adopt and implement the anti-doping code, can be included or remain in the programme.” According to the minutes from a WADA executive board meeting in May 2008, IOC was aware that several countries and IFs were not compliant with the WADA anti-doping code when they competed in Beijing.
  • 25.11.2008 /
    A formal cooperation between WADA and Interpol was announced at the WADA Executive Committee meeting in Montreal this weekend. The French government has appointed an officer to work as a liaison between the two organisations.
  • 01.11.2007 /
    Play the Game, the fifth world communication conference on sport and society, closed its proceedings today with a call for a global coalition for good governance in sport.
  • 30.10.2007 /
    Will WADA’s revised code make the agency quicker out of the blocks in the fight against drug cheats?
  • 24.05.2007 /
    The importance of governments’ active engagement in anti-doping was highlighted during the WADA Executive Committee meetings on May 13 2007 in Montreal, which discussed intensified anti-doping demands for world’s governments.
  • 14.05.2007 /
    In the Play the Game newsletter for Tuesday 8 May we brought a story about the French Sports Minister and WADA Vice-President, Mr. Jean-François Lamour, who allegedly had been tested positive for doping substances twice in his career as an international fencer.
  • 12.04.2007 /
    Texas Senate approves the largest programme of random steroid tests for athletes in Texan high schools. WADA applauds the efforts. Meanwhile schools in Australia protest against drug testing of non-elite Australian children.
  • 26.03.2007 /
    The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) wants governments to take action against the illegal manufacture and distribution of performance-enhancing substances as an evolution in the global fight against doping in sport is underway.

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