Sport for all

  • 10.08.2007 /
    Athletes from India rarely win medals in international competitions but that may soon change. India’s Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports has just published a draft for a new national sports policy on its website inviting everybody to contribute their views on a policy that aims to make India one of the world’s leading sporting nations within the next decade.
  • 30.11.2005 /
    Knowledge bank: Young people from indigenous cultures - societies which did not until recently have a history and culture of suicide - set alarming records of suicide.
  • 30.11.2005 /
    Knowledge bank: Terry Monington speaks at the Play the Game 2005 conference the prospect of making sport available for all in third world countries in the contect of international politics.
  • 30.11.2005 /
    Knowledge bank: Scandinavian countries are internationally known for their particular development of company sport. This is linked to the dynamics of Nordic welfare society and political concern about ‘public health’
  • 30.11.2005 /
    Knowledge bank: Doping is widespread not only in elite sports but also in fitness centers across the world and it is a highly underestimated problem. 
  • 22.07.2003 /
    Knowledge bank: In spite of the attention given to the Australian Aborigines before and during the Summer Olympics 2000 in Sydney, the games didn't change their human rights situation. Genuine racial equality in Australian sport remains disturbingly out of reach, writes professor and human rights expert Colin Tatz
  • 10.11.2002 /
    This article is part of a research project about the Danish Landsstævne, the National Sport Festival Bornholm 2002.
  • 10.11.2002 /
    Sports has lost its innocence as the most important "minor matter" in the world. Modern sports of today have many faces.

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