Play the Game

  • 08.09.2006 /
    FIFA does not see any reason to comment further on allegations in Andrew Jennings’ book, “Foul!”, and also maintains its right not to enter into discussions with or answer to journalists who oppose FIFA and severely violates the principles of proper journalism. So replies FIFA to a letter from Play the Game which raised seven key questions in relation to Jennings’ book that was published in May this year.
  • 08.09.2006 /
    Michael Andersen has resigned his post as chairman of the board of Play the Game. Andersen has taken up a new job as director of the Danish elite sports institution Team Danmark and he is worried that it could lead to conflicts of interest if he continues as chairman of Play the Game.
  • 10.08.2006 /
    Play the Game is launching a weblog in the beginning of September to establish an open forum for debate and dialogue in today’s international world of sport. You are invited to participate.
  • 07.07.2006 /
    Last week Play the Game’s strengthened its ties with sports scientists around the world, as the Director of Play the Game, Jens Sejer Andersen, was invited to become an advisor to the Editorial Board ICSSPE, the International Council of Sport Science and Physical Education.
  • 23.06.2006 /
    The chairman of the board of Play the Game, Michael Andersen, has been appointed Director of the national Danish elite sports institution Team Danmark. The 48-year old chairman was selected amongst 35 applicants.
  • 23.06.2006 /
    Play the Game has published a magazine with articles from the 4th world communication conference on sport and society held in Copenhagen in November 2005. Download a pdf-version from our website for free ororder print copies priced 7 Euro each.
  • 09.06.2006 /
    In newspaper articles, FIFA has complained that its answers have been misrepresented by investigative reporter Andrew Jennings. Therefore Play the Game now gives FIFA president Sepp Blatter the opportunity to answer seven key questions raised by the book and to have the answers published unedited on Play the Game’s website.
  • 26.05.2006 /
    The Danish "Nykredits fond" - a charitable foundation owned by the financial company Nykredit - has decided to grant 50,000 Danish kroner (almost 7,000 Euro) to Play the Game.

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