
  • 20.07.2010 /
    Every four years, during or after the World Cup, there is some breathless report of an "unprecedented" police raid on Asian illegal bookmaking operations. Now, yet another one is being announced in the world's press
  • By Declan Hill
    14.07.2010 /
    It is not football. It is the game of deliberate diplomatic deniability. The game is all about making truthful statements that do not ruffle any official feathers. Here is how it is played. Examine this section of FIFA’s statement on the allegations about Nigerian match-fixing in the World Cup.
  • By Declan Hill
    14.07.2010 /
    In case you missed it BBC Newsnight has announced that FIFA was warned that the Nigerian team may have been vulnerable to fixing games at the 2010 South Africa World Cup.
  • By Declan Hill
    24.06.2010 /
    Declan Hill comments on FIFA's promises to fight down match-fixing in this year's World Cup and remarks on possible match-fixing activities in the vulnerable last matches of the group-stage games.
  • 15.06.2010 /
    The organisation Sport et Citoyenneté has published a special edition of their scientific journal Sport and Citizenship. This Special Edition covers a subject with inevitable media hype from different angles. Sport and Citizenship wishes to take advantage of this unique occasion and the media’s attention to raise this question: “Is this really Africa’s hour?”.
  • 14.06.2010 /
    The Examination of Threats to the Integrity of Sports was commissioned by the EU Sports Platform and has been launched in European Parliament. The report, elaborated by Danish research institute Oxford Research, outlines the key problems and also examines what can be done to combat the threats.
  • By Declan Hill
    09.06.2010 /
    Comment: It is not a guarantee that there will be fixed matches at the World Cup in South Africa, but it is guaranteed that there will be match-fixers at the tournament. In this comment, Declan Hill elaborates on articles previously published on Play the Game's website and goes further into detail with the reasons why he believes match-fixers will be drawn to the 2010 World Cup.
  • 02.06.2010 /
    To step up the fight against match-fixing before the 2010 World Cup, FIFA has set up a confidential hotline for players, coaches and referees to use if someone attempts to bribe them.

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