• By Lasana Liburd
    03.05.2013 /
    Comment: Lasana Liburd who over the years has had his clashes with former bigwig in international football, Jack Warner, writes a personal account on the Trinidad-Tobago country fellow. Warner was forced to quit politics in the wake of a highly critical report on his presidential management of CONCACAF, the Confederation of North, Central American and Caribbean Association Football.
  • By Jens Sejer Andersen- International director, Play the Game
    03.05.2013 /
    Comment: The long awaited report from FIFA’s Ethics Committee about FIFA and the ISL affair is superficial, insufficient and confuses ethics with legal formalities. The exoneration of Blatter is made on a fragile basis.
  • 30.04.2013 /
    Today the long awaited official FIFA report into the ISL affair was released. The report is written by Hans-Joachim Eckert, head of the FIFA ethics committee's adjudicatory chamber and looks into the ethical responsibilities in this case which involves multi-million bribes from ISL on World Cup marketing deals in the 1990s.
  • 26.04.2013 /
    As a part of FIFA's Independent Governance Committee, Alexandre Wrage has first hand experience with FIFA's reform process. This week, Wrage decided to leave the IGC, and in this comment piece (originally printed on forbes.com) she comments on the difficulties in promoting change in an "outdated men's club".
  • 22.04.2013 /
    A report released during the CONCACAF congress in Panama this weekend outlines harsh allegations of fund embezzlement committed by then FIFA vice-president Jack Warner and former CONCACAF general secretary Chuck Blazer.
  • 16.04.2013 /
    There is an increasing demand from the outside world for sports’ international organisations to take an active role in fighting corruption and undemocratic forms of leadership in their own ranks. This became evident at Play the Game’s seminar on sports management in Brussels on 8 April. The question is how quickly and efficiently sport is able to respond.
  • 09.04.2013 /
    Presentations from the one-day seminar 'The Challenge for Europe in the Governance of Sport' have now been made available for download.
  • 09.04.2013 /
    On 8 April 2013, Play the Game hosted a one-day seminar in Brussels titled 'the Challenge for Europe in the Governance of Sport'. The seminar marked the conclusion of the AGGIS project, and provided a platform to reveal the final findings of the project and launch the 'Sports Governance Observer'. A number of other EU funded governance projects also revealed their findings and more than 100 experts participated. This is Jens Sejer Andersen's opening speech from the seminar.

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