• 14.06.2010 /
    The Examination of Threats to the Integrity of Sports was commissioned by the EU Sports Platform and has been launched in European Parliament. The report, elaborated by Danish research institute Oxford Research, outlines the key problems and also examines what can be done to combat the threats.
  • 14.06.2010 /
    “It was crowded. It was ear-drummingly achingly loud. But it was MAGIC."...
  • By Andreas Selliaas
    10.06.2010 /
    Friday's opening match against Mexico at Soccer City stadium is undoubtedly an important game for the Rainbow Nation and Bafana Bafana. For the first time an African team will kick off the World Cup on home ground. But the most important football game in South Africa was played in 1976 at another stadium in Soweto – Rand Stadium.
  • 09.06.2010 /
    The governance of Turkish football needs to be changed urgently before a massive windfall from TV rights destroys the game forever.
  • 09.06.2010 /
    On the eve of the World Cup, the financial bankruptcy of club football has been exposed by new research that shows the top clubs in Brazil and England owe a staggering total of €5.2 billion.
  • By Declan Hill
    09.06.2010 /
    Comment: It is not a guarantee that there will be fixed matches at the World Cup in South Africa, but it is guaranteed that there will be match-fixers at the tournament. In this comment, Declan Hill elaborates on articles previously published on Play the Game's website and goes further into detail with the reasons why he believes match-fixers will be drawn to the 2010 World Cup.
  • 07.06.2010 /
    Padania completed a hat-trick of successes in the Viva World Cup for non-FIFA nations at the weekend but the latest tournament in the Maltese island of Gozo was a far lower profile affair than last year.
  • 07.06.2010 /
    With the English Premier League’s debt estimated to be at around £3.4 billion, it is definitely time for measures to be enacted that bring about a change in the landscape of the financial sector of professional football.

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