• 26.08.2011 /
    New ruling from CAS on Gibraltar’s application for UEFA membership could have an impact on FIFA and UEFA policy on aspiring football federations. New documents from FIFA’s Working Group on Small Nations show how potential member federations from small nations and independent territories are prioritized.
  • 22.08.2011 /
    President of the Brazilian Football Federation (CFB), Head of the World Cup 2014 OC and FIFA Excecutive Committee member Ricardo Teixeira, is currently going through a tough period of time manifested by police investigations into his work, public protects against his precidency and the Brazilian President trying to distance herself from him.
  • 16.08.2011 /
    A new paper by Transparency International offers concrete recommendations for how FIFA can build integrity after the recent corruption scandals.
  • 28.07.2011 /
    The chairman of the European Club Association (ECA), Karl-Heinz Rummenigge, threatens a ‘revolution’ if corruption-problems in FIFA are not addressed and if clubs and other football stakeholders do not get more influence in the decision-making process.
  • 24.06.2011 /
    Former FIFA Vice-President Jack Warner is gone for good from the corridors of football power in Zurich, Switzerland. His former deputy, CONCACAF General Secretary Chuck Blazer, now calls the shots in the most populous confederation of the western hemisphere.
  • By Andreas Selliaas
    09.06.2011 /
    Comment: On May 27 Alaistar Campbell - Tony Blair's former spin doctor – used the name FIFAgate on the corruption allegations and backstabbing in FIFA before the Congress in Zürich at the beginning of June.
  • By Jens Sejer Andersen- International director, Play the Game
    06.06.2011 /
    Comment: The FIFA reforms introduced by its re-elected president Blatter may end up increasing corruption rather than stopping it, and there is a real risk of split in the so-called FIFA family
  • 01.06.2011 /
    As the sole candidate and with 174 of 208 member associations in favour of having the election despite English FA Chairman’s attempts for postponement, Sepp Blatter is set for re-election at today’s FIFA congress.

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