• 08.07.2013 /
    FIFA has responded to Roger Pielke Jr.'s Report Card on FIFA Reform posted on Play the Game's website last month. Pielke replied by inviting FIFA to join him on stage for a further discussion at Play the Game 2013 in October.
  • 19.06.2013 /
    A lot has been said about FIFA's reform process, and it is difficult to get a sense of what has actually been accomplished. In this article, Roger Pielke presents the results of his formal evaluation of the reform process, providing a more objective basis for assessing the outcome.
  • 03.06.2013 /
    Roger Pielke Jr. comments on the role of Sunil Gulati - member of FIFA's governance reform committee until he was recently elected to join the FIFA ExCo - who last week at FIFA's Congress in Mauritius "found himself in the odd position of receiving advice that he has helped to prepare".
  • 29.05.2013 /
    Age limit and term of office, two of the key points in the FIFA reform decree to be signed during this week’s FIFA congress have been postponed and will not be voted on this year.
  • By Jens Sejer Andersen- International director, Play the Game
    28.05.2013 /
    After many years in the shadow of taboos, sports corruption is now debated freely and at the highest level of sports policy making. All the right words are in place at three huge global meetings this week, but convincing action is still far away.
  • 27.05.2013 /
    After what is surely the longest wait of any country that has actually applied to join one of FIFA’s six confederations, the Gibraltar Football Association were today - 14 years after first applying – accepted into UEFA.
  • By Jens Sejer Andersen- International director, Play the Game
    03.05.2013 /
    Comment: The long awaited report from FIFA’s Ethics Committee about FIFA and the ISL affair is superficial, insufficient and confuses ethics with legal formalities. The exoneration of Blatter is made on a fragile basis.
  • 30.04.2013 /
    Today the long awaited official FIFA report into the ISL affair was released. The report is written by Hans-Joachim Eckert, head of the FIFA ethics committee's adjudicatory chamber and looks into the ethical responsibilities in this case which involves multi-million bribes from ISL on World Cup marketing deals in the 1990s.

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