16.06.2016 /
    As Russian authorities and media react with incredulity to new doping allegations, the journalist behind launches whistleblower hotline and is confronted by Russian TV crew.
  • Photo: kristin Wall/Flickr
    03.06.2016 /
    The International Boxing Association (AIBA) falls ‘considerably short’ in meeting the requirements of the WADA code, a London magazine claims.
  • Photo: Joe Flintham/Flickr
    20.05.2016 /
    The U.S. Department of Justice opens investigations into alleged Russian doping regime. WADA appoints investigative team to look into possible Sochi 2014 doping offenses.
  • Photo: Andy Miah/Flickr
    11.05.2016 /
    New allegations of Russian medal winners at the Sochi Olympics being on steroids further damage Russia’s image as a sporting nation on the way to the Rio Olympics. WADA calls the new information “a real cause for concern”.
  • Photo: Yuan 2003
    18.04.2016 /
    Belgian runner Ria Van Landeghem was banned for doping prior to the 1988 Seoul Olympics. Now, doping researchers claim that the ban was given on false grounds.
  • Photo: Sam Cox/Flickr
    04.04.2016 /
    New investigations by German ARD and The Sunday Times reveal a British ‘doping-doctor’ and claim that UK anti-doping has not acted sufficiently on whistleblower information.
  • Photo: Patrick Seeger
    21.03.2016 /
    For nine years, a commission in Freiburg has investigated the sports legacy. Now, it has retired itself in protest. Will the doping secrets of West Germany ever come to light?
  • Photo: shho/Free Images
    10.03.2016 /
    A better understanding of athletes’ needs is important in order to address the problem of doping and ensure a more effective anti-doping effort. Researchers point to education as one factor that may reduce the use of performance enhancing drugs.

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