• 22.04.2013 /
    A report released during the CONCACAF congress in Panama this weekend outlines harsh allegations of fund embezzlement committed by then FIFA vice-president Jack Warner and former CONCACAF general secretary Chuck Blazer.
  • 16.04.2013 /
    There is an increasing demand from the outside world for sports’ international organisations to take an active role in fighting corruption and undemocratic forms of leadership in their own ranks. This became evident at Play the Game’s seminar on sports management in Brussels on 8 April. The question is how quickly and efficiently sport is able to respond.
  • 08.04.2013 /
    Sports organisations who want to curb corruption and mismanagement in their own ranks, will soon have a tool developed by experts at their hand: The Sports Governance Observer.
  • 12.03.2013 /
    What is sports journalism for? Are sports journalists a part of the fourth estate or merely a fan club? In this article from The Conversation, David Rowe discusses the role of sports journalism in the light of the number of recent hits to the reputation of sport.
  • 21.02.2013 /
    Chinese Football Association concluded a three-year match-fixing investigation this Monday by handing out five-year bans to 25 former and current players, officials and referees and banning 33 for life. A number of clubs received fines and had points deducted.
  • By Declan Hill
    08.02.2013 /
    In this comment piece, match-fixing expert Declan Hill asks why the man, who is allegedly one of the main characters behind the extensive match-fixing recently exposed by Europol, continues to avoid arrest given the international warrants issued against him.
  • 22.01.2013 /
    International sports organisations insist on their autonomy from outside interference, but what limits do national and international laws put on the autonomy of sport? How do the laws of society influence the practices and governance of sports organisations? This is the topic of two research papers produced as a part of Play the Game and the Danish Institute for Sports Studies’ project ‘Good Governance in International Sports Organisations (AGGIS)’.
  • 10.01.2013 /
    This paper is written by Michaël Mrkonjic, Swiss Graduate School of Public Administration, Switzerland, Lausanne, as a part of the AGGIS project. It gives an overview on the Swiss regulatory framework on fiscal and corruption issues, and presents several interesting points in relation to the autonomy of International Sports Organisations residing i Switzerland.

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