
  • 13.04.2011 /
    In this comment piece, Canadian author and journalist Laura Robinson takes us further into the discussions of the legacy of the Vancouver Games with a look behind the biography of John Furlong, CEO of the Vancouver Organizing Committee and into what information on the 2010 Winter Games and his personal background made it to the book and what did not.
  • By Laura Robinson
    13.04.2011 /
    Comment: In this comment piece, Canadian author and journalist Laura Robinson takes us further into the discussions of the legacy of the Vancouver Games with a look behind the biography of John Furlong, CEO of the Vancouver Organizing Committee and into what information on the 2010 Winter Games and his personal background made it to the book and what did not.
  • By Andreas Selliaas
    29.03.2011 /
    Comment: On Wednesday 30 March one of the most politicized sports events this year will take place in Mohali, India. There India and Pakistan will play the semi-final in the cricket World Cup 2011 (ICC World Cup). The cricket match is used as a framework for political talks, the question is whether cricket is the right framework to create a better relationship between the two enemies?
  • By Jean-Loup Chappelet
    18.03.2011 /
    Comment: Match-fixing has been recognized by the international sport organisations as one of the biggest threats to sport. But what can be done to fight it? In this comment piece, Jean-Loup Chappelet, Professor and Director at IDHEAD, Lausanne argues why the creation of an international agency against corruption in sport is one way to go.
  • By Jens Sejer Andersen- International director, Play the Game
    25.02.2011 /
    Comment: Spectacular statements at this week’s EU Sport Forum in Budapest may influence the outcome of next week’s IOC symposium on irregular betting and match-fixing. IOC Honorary member Tamás Aján and WADA Director General David Howman called for rapid action against not only match-fixing, but all forms of corruption in sport. Play the Game was present in Budapest and in the following comment, Jens Sejer Andersen, International Director asks if the IOC will bring spring to sport or let the melt-down continue.
  • By Christer Ahl
    22.02.2011 /
    Comment: Christer Ahl, former head of the International Handball Federation's (IHF) Playing Rules and referees Commission shares his comments on last month's Handball World Championships in Sweden, the choice of Quatar as the 2015 hosts, the rumoured change of by-laws in IHF and more.
  • By Andreas Selliaas
    05.02.2011 /
    Comment: In the beginning of February the Advocate General of the European Court of Justice (ECJ) made strong statements that, if she is right, will revolutionize the future of media rights in sport, and may diminish revenues of football clubs in Europe.

  • By Andreas Selliaas
    02.02.2011 /
    Comment: "The current events in Egypt make me think of what happened in Romania in November and December 1989. Time will show if Hosni Mubarak will suffer the same fate as Nicolae Ceausescu – violently removed as head of state and killed? The similarities are there, but there is one important difference," writes Andreas Selliaas in this comment piece.

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