• Photo: Thomas Søndergaard/Play the Game
    16.04.2015 /
    In a move to enhance awareness about and action against corruption in sport, Transparency International has launched a new initiative named ‘Corruption in Sport' that collects and distributes knowledge and promotes collaboration on sports integrity.
  • Photo: kris krüg/Flickr
    16.04.2015 /
    Following the implementation of the Agenda2020, the International Olympic Committee has begun the work of reforming the 120 years old organisation. First steps have been to amend the bidding process, establish a whistleblower hotline and making the indemnities of the IOC members public.
  • Photo: Thomas Søndergaard/Play the Game
    25.03.2015 /
    Opening the conference on a Sunday will make it easier to address the wider public and add a workday for supplementing activities. The new dates are 25-29 October 2015.
  • Photo: www.thesportreview.com/Flickr
    24.03.2015 /
    Speaking at the UEFA congress in Vienna today, Blatter passed another opportunity to present his plans for a possible fifth term as FIFA president.
  • Photo: Swiveler/Flickr
    20.03.2015 /
    The final draft of the revised international charter of physical education, physical activity and sport is ready to be adopted at the UNESCO General Conference in November.
  • Photo: shutterstock
    19.03.2015 /
    The Centre for Journalism Ethics based at the University of Wisconsin-Madison invites to a one-day conference on the subject of ethics and sports journalism on April 10, 2015.
  • Photo: Visit Aarhus
    16.03.2015 /
    In a new book, scientists explore the phenomenon of running. With an outset in eleven different countries, the book looks into the historical and societal issues that have made running so popular, and what possibilities the market holds.
  • Photo: Private
    13.03.2015 /
    Since 2013, representative football teams playing outside FIFA have had the choice between two different umbrella organisations. Now the two organisations, N.F.-Board and ConIFA, are in a dispute in which the older of the two is accusing the newest of hi-jacking their idea.

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