• Photo: Thomas Søndergaard/Play the Game
    28.04.2017 /
    Play the Game mourns the passing of a long-time inspirational force and friend, Professor Emeritus Henning Eichberg, 74, University of Southern Denmark.
  • Photo: Clef femmes
    20.04.2017 /
    A coalition of women rights groups has launched a campaign calling on international sports bodies to boycott countries with sexual segregation in sports in order to secure sport as a ‘fundamental right’.
  • Photo: OCA
    18.04.2017 /
    A new strategic partnership between Chinese Alisports and the Olympic Council of Asia (OCA) will bring e-sports to the 2022 Asian Games.
  • 07.04.2017 /
    Play the Game calls upon all stakeholders in sport to contribute with expertise and experience to produce innovative and creative thinking for a sports world in change. The abstract submission for Play the Game 2017 is now open.
  • Photo: Mark Botham/Flickr
    07.04.2017 /
    Despite signs of improvement, African football is suffering due to bad or corrupt refereeing and a system that has so far proved unable to secure proper education and remuneration of referees.
  • Photo: Colourbox
    07.04.2017 /
    Two years after the launch of an IOC whistleblower hotline, expert raises questions regarding its independence and utility. The IOC offers little information about the extent of its use.
  • Photo: Thomas Søndergaard/Play the Game
    05.04.2017 /
    Analysis: How far should governments go controlling the governance of international sports federations? A public hearing held in Aarhus, Denmark, demonstrated that there is no clear consensus on the right balance between autonomy and intervention.
  • Photo: Thomas Søndergaard/Play the Game
    04.04.2017 /
    A governance review of the Olympic summer sports reveals some good practices but also “significant room for improvement” across the 28 international sports federations who have filled in questionnaire that forms the basis of the review.

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