• 16.06.2010 /
    About 3000 people gathered in Durban today, expressing their discontent with FIFA and the SA government for their spending priorities when millions live in poverty.
  • 15.06.2010 /
    The court in Vienna has announced on Thursday that the case against Bernhard Kohl, Michael Rasmussen and and cross-country skier Christian Hoffmann for allegedly trafficking doping products has been dropped.
  • 15.06.2010 /
    Somali football fans, keen to watch the latest games from this year's World Cup in South Africa, face being publicly flogged or even executed, if caught watching games by Islamist militant groups.
  • 15.06.2010 /
    The organisation Sport et Citoyenneté has published a special edition of their scientific journal Sport and Citizenship. This Special Edition covers a subject with inevitable media hype from different angles. Sport and Citizenship wishes to take advantage of this unique occasion and the media’s attention to raise this question: “Is this really Africa’s hour?”.
  • 15.06.2010 /
    The dual role of Jack Warner as Trinidad and Tobago's Minister of Works and Transport and as vice-president of FIFA is going to be assessed by a panel of legal experts to ensure that there is no conflict.
  • 15.06.2010 /
    Strikes by security and transportation workers have affected several matches in the first week of the 2010 World Cup in South Africa.
  • 14.06.2010 /
    The Examination of Threats to the Integrity of Sports was commissioned by the EU Sports Platform and has been launched in European Parliament. The report, elaborated by Danish research institute Oxford Research, outlines the key problems and also examines what can be done to combat the threats.
  • 14.06.2010 /
    World Cup Sunday that began at the soaring new arch of Durban Stadium ended in smoke and shrieks as police officers fired tear gas and what witnesses said were rubber bullets to break up a large group of protesting security guards. The altercation started shortly before 1 a.m. Monday, a few hours after the match between Germany and Australia ended.

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