• 21.08.2013 /
    Swiss Cycling today withdrew their nomination of Pat McQuaid as presidential candidate in the upcoming elections in the International Cycling Union (UCI) leading to the dismissal of a legal action from members of the federation to overturn the nomination.
  • 01.08.2013 /
    Newly published reports on the London Olympics paint a positive picture of the impacts of the Games on the British economy.
  • 30.07.2013 /
    A newly proposed amendment to the UCI constitution saying that presidential candidates can be nominated by any two federations could mean that incumbent president Pat McQuaid might still have a chance to run for president without the backing of his home federation.
  • 26.07.2013 /
    All of the received abstracts for Play the Game 2013 have been through a peer review and more than 60 abstracts have been approved. You can now find the list of all accepted abstracts for Play the Game 2013 on the conference website.
  • 23.07.2013 /
    Brian Cookson, head of British Cycling, promises a full investigation into cycling’s doping past and a new and more active approach in the fight against doping should he succeed in ousting incumbent UCI president Pat McQuaid in September’s election.
  • 12.07.2013 /
    Six men want to climb the Olympic throne in September. In his second analysis of the IOC presidential election, German investigative reporter Jens Weinreich takes a look at two countries who may be the real power holders in international sport.
  • 12.07.2013 /
    Play the Game can now present a number of prominent keynote speakers for Play the Game 2013 taking place in Aarhus, Denmark on 28-31 October 2013.
  • 08.07.2013 /
    FIFA has responded to Roger Pielke Jr.'s Report Card on FIFA Reform posted on Play the Game's website last month. Pielke replied by inviting FIFA to join him on stage for a further discussion at Play the Game 2013 in October.

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