New speakers for Play the Game 2019

Due to elections in Poland, WADA presidential favourite Witold Banka cannot join Play the Game 2019 in person after all. Photo: Wikimedia Commons


By Play the Game
There is still time for you to join the group of 120 expected speakers for Play the Game 2019 in Colorado Springs.

* Updated 28 June 2019 

On Friday 28 June, two days after publishing this news story presenting WADA presidential favourite Witold Banka as a confirmed speaker for Play the Game 2019, we received an email from Witold Banka’s staff saying that due to Parliamentary Elections in Poland on 13 October, the Polish prime minister has asked all his cabinet members to be available in the days following the elections.

Play the Game sincerely regrets that the likely future WADA president will not be able to join our conference in person this year, but we have agreed with his staff to pursue the possibility of a 45 minutes Skype presentation with Q&A, hoping that the political situation in Poland will allow a short break in which the future of WADA can be discussed.

An interesting addition to the impressive list of speakers, however, is the Vice-President of the European Olympic Committees, Niels Nygaard, who is also heading the National Olympic Committee and Sports Confederation of Denmark.

There is still time for you to join the expected group of 120 speakers at Play the Game’s first conference in the United States, taking place in Colorado Springs from 13-16 October this autumn.

The formal deadline for abstract submissions has passed, but the programme committee will continue to receive abstracts in a rolling review procedure. However, we can no longer guarantee a double blind review process. And the earlier you submit the abstract, the better the chances of an optimum time slot in the programme.

Authors that submit abstracts before 1 July will still be offered to register at the Early Bird rate, even if the review comes after that deadline.


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