UNESCO's World Radio Day 2018 puts a focus on radio and sports

Photo: Fred Romero/Flickr

UNESCO Headquarters. 
Photo: Fred Romero/Flickr. 


By Play the Game
UNESCO's World Radio Day will, for the first time, focus on the relationship between radio and sports and the impacts on diversity, gender equality and peace development.

Last month, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) announced that the theme for the 2018 World Radio Day is “Radio and Sports”.

World Radio Day is an initiative by UNESCO aiming to improve international cooperation between broadcasters, and to encourage major networks as well as minor radio communities to promote public access to information and freedom of expression.

The seventh edition of World Radio Day will focus on three sub-themes. The first theme, “Diversity in Sports Coverage”, highlights how radio can promote diversity in sports through coverage of “traditional” and grassroots games enabling people to “reconnect” with their cultural heritage.

The second theme, “Gender Equality in Sports Coverage”, focuses on the role of sports coverage in shaping stereotypes and norms about gender and how radio may have the ability to promote a balanced coverage of men’s and women’s sports.

Finally, the third theme, “Peace and Development through Sports Coverage”, puts emphasis on the ways sports coverage can promote peace and development initiatives, values of “non-violence” as well as solidarity and tolerance.

World Radio Day will be held on 13 February 2018 and UNESCO is inviting all radio stations, regulatory bodies and related organisations to “celebrate radio and its contribution to democratic debate through information, entertainment and audience interaction”.

More information:


World Radio Day 2018 webpage – containing information on events and radio broadcasts concerning sports.

Selected broadcasts about sports and society:

  • “The Lob” – a podcast by These Football Times looping through the ages of football.

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