Hundreds of sports innovators to gather in Copenhagen

Photo: Streetmekka/Game Denmark

GAME Streetmekka Copenhagen (photo) will be the venue of the day. Photo: Game Denmark/CC 3.0


By Play the Game
Join the community of sports innovators on 9th October in Streetmekka Copenhagen at Idan Sports Innovation Day 2017. Registration is now open.

On 9th October, Copenhagen will host hundreds of sports innovators. The Danish Institute for Sports Studies (Idan) and more than 20 partners encourage you to participate in an event at a very special venue. GAME Streetmekka Copenhagen is the world’s first Streetmekka. The former train shed was renovated in 2010 and is today a raw, innovative street sports facility.

'Idan Sports Innovation Day 2017' is about thinking different in sports - with or without the help of new technology. Combining networking, matchmaking, pitches, presentations, booths, new technology and a playing area, the innovation day offers everybody a chance to engage in the international community of sports innovators. Share your ideas, thoughts and interests with high-skilled companies, organisations and inventors.

After months of preparation, registration is now open at the event website

Go to registration

First keynote speaker announced
As organiser, Idan wishes to combine Danish and international sports innovation in one dynamic and inspirational day – but with a lot of legacy in the long term. Idan and partners are looking very much forward to welcome you whether you are a scientist, start-up, sports organisation, student, consultant, investor, municipality, sports innovator etc. The mix of skills and interests is important to create the dynamics.

New products, ideas and concepts related to sports will be high on the agenda at ‘Idan Sports Innovation Day 2017’. Take your time to participate in the different activities during the day.

The preliminary programme already reveals the first keynote speaker. Alex Zurita, Specialist Advisor – Technology for Participation at London Sport, introduces the brand new London based ‘Sport Tech Hub’, a first of its kind Sport Tech incubator which will bring together major sports tech players and start-ups under one roof in the ‘House of Sport’ facility.

More information


Register now for ‘Idan Sports Innovation Day 2017’

See the programme on the event website

Follow ‘Idan Sports Innovation Day 2017’ on Facebook

Play the Game 2017 also has innovation in sports on the agenda. One of the themes is ‘Disrupting sport: Winners and losers in the era of technology’. Play the Game will be present on 9th October as well.


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