Play the Game 2015 Programme Committee gathers for first meeting

Photo: Thomas Søndergaard/Play the Game

Play the Game 2013 Photo: Thomas Søndergaard/Play the Game


By Play the Game
The Programme Committee for Play the Game’s conference this October has now been appointed and a total of 16 international experts will gather on 10 March to discuss ideas for content and speakers at Play the Game 2015.

The 16 members of the Play the Game 2015 Programme Committee represent a broad spectrum of experience, knowledge and creativity within the field of sport and society. Their task is to, in cooperation with the conference organisers, contribute with advice and suggestions regarding which themes and speakers will appear on the conference programme in order to secure valuable content and enlightening discussions during the Play the Game 2015 conference, which will take place in Aarhus, Denmark, 25-29 October 2015.

“The members of this committee are essential for us to keep a fresh approach to many major issues that have dominated the international sports agenda during the past decade, so we are grateful that so many outstanding people donate their time and expertise to the conference,” says Jens Sejer Andersen, international director of Play the Game.

“Our conferences have been on the forefront in raising questions that were once controversial, but are now widely recognised by governments and the sports movement: the need for better governance, sustainable mega-events, fight against organised crime, promotion of physical activity and so forth. This increases the pressure on Play the Game to deliver renewal and inspiration, and that is why we need advice from this kind of committee.”

A Call for Papers for Play the Game 2015 will be out shortly.

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Members of the Programme Committee for Play the Game 2015

External experts

  • Sine Agergaard, PhD, Associate Professor, Section for Sport Science, Aarhus University, Denmark
  • Christer Ahl, MBA, Journalist at, USA/Sweden
  • Clemencia Anaya Maya, International Consultant, COLDEPORTES, Colombia
  • Koen Breedveld, Director, Mulier Institute, Utrecht University, Netherlands
  • Hanne Marie Brevik, Head of sports reporting, Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation (NRK), Norway
  • Jens Evald, Professor of law, former chairman of Anti Doping Danmark, Aarhus University, Denmark
  • Christopher Gaffney, Senior Research Affiliate, Geographic Institute, Zürich University, Switzerland
  • Barrie Houlihan, Professor, School of Sport, Exercise & Health Sciences, Loughborough University, United Kingdom
  • Mogens Kirkeby, President, International Sport and Culture Association, Denmark
  • Jesper Frigast Larsen, Legal Manager, Anti-Doping Danmark, Denmark
  • Ian Nuttall, Founder, Xperiology /, Italy/UK
  • Andreas Selliaas, Journalist,, Norway
  • Kimberly S. Schimmel, PhD, Professor, Kent State University, USA
  • Urszula Starakiewicz, PhD, Lecturer, Faculty of Management, University of Warsaw, Poland
  • Tine Rindum Teilmann, Board Member, National Olympic Committee and Sports Confederation of Denmark (DIF), and member of the IOC Women’s Commission, Denmark
  • Jens Weinreich, Journalist and blogger,, Germany

In addition to the above members of the Programme Committee, a number of Play the Game/Danish Institute for Sports Studies staff also take part in developing the conference programme.

N.B. Please note that the opening day of the conference has changed from the 26 to the 25 October 2015.


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