Play the Game launches new website


By Play the Game
Play the Game has gone through a visual redesign and launches new logo and a redesigned website.

The new website features a clearer and cleaner layout of page content and is designed to give a better accessible site through different devises such as mobile and tablets.

During the coming weeks, new pages will be rolled out as will new functionalities, and we apologise for possible technical hiccups. We have made significant changes in the website’s architecture but have tried our best to make all previous links active and point to equivalent or relevant information.

Should you stumble upon a dead link or a 404 page, please do not hesitate to inform us by sending an email to

New design and office
The new website and logo are designed in the same orange and black colour scheme that has characterised Play the Game for years, but the logo has been updated to reflect Play the Game’s affiliation with the Danish Institute for Sport Studies, with which we merged in 2011.

The visual profile is not the only change at Play the Game this month. On 16 June 2014, Play the Game will move to new offices, centrally placed in Aarhus, Denmark.

Our new address is:

Play the Game
Frederiksgade 78B, 2. sal
DK-8000 Aarhus C


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Guidelines for posting
Play the Game promotes an open debate on sport and sports politics and we strongly encourage everyone to participate in the discussions on But please follow these simple guidelines when you write a post:

  1. Please be respectful - even if you disagree strongly with certain viewpoints. Slanderous or profane remarks will not be posted.
  2. Please keep to the subject. Spam or solicitations of any kind will not be posted.

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