60 abstracts ready for Play the Game 2013
Play the Game 2013 takes place at the Helnan Marselis Hotel in Aarhus, Denmark on 28-31 October 2013.
With prominent keynote speakers and more than 60 accepted abstracts so far, covering a vast array of topics reflecting both the current state and future perspectives on world sport, Play the Game 2013 is set to be the place for unique and groundbreaking debates on the state of world sport.
Play the Game has received abstracts from a number of countries across the globe and from various professions such as academics, journalists and practitioners. 60 of these will get a chance to have their opinions heard in open, fact-based and constructive debates on essential issues in sport.
The main themes of the conference include match-fixing, sports reforms, doping, recreational sport, sports facilities and mega-events.
Most of the accepted abstracts fall within these main areas while some have been accepted for the Open Forum and address issues such as sports journalism, social media in sport, sexuality and gender issues, volunteers and sport for development. A preliminary programme with more specific information on the content of this year’s conference is expected to be ready by mid-August.
Around 120 speakers are expected to give presentations on the conference and, in total, more than 300 journalists, scientists and sport officials from 30-40 countries are expected to join this 8th edition of the world communication conference on sport and society.
See the current list of speakers here
If you have an interesting story to tell and want a chance to contribute at the conference, there is still a chance to submit an abstract. But do not hesitate too long if you want to secure a time slot in the programme.
The conference will be held in Aarhus, Denmark on 28-31 October 2013 at the Helnan Marselis Hotel.
See the full list of accepted abstracts - their title and author(s) - here
For more conference information go to the conference website at www.playthegame.org/2013